Veterans for Peace

This week’s Letter to the Keene Sentinel Editor.

You can barely see it. It’s right on the back of the war monument in Central Square. It’s a faded red peace sign. The statue was chalked more than two years ago, maybe longer. When asked where it came from, one atheist Free Keener said he didn’t know and, “Maybe God put it there.”

Until recently, few who frequent Central Square knew it was even there.

At the City Council graffiti meeting recently, one person demanded that it be removed, asked when it would be done and when an ordinance would be created to prevent it from ever happening again.

I oppose its removal.

Today, many are warming to the idea that war monuments, parades and holidays are just government propaganda. It’s less about the debt and honor owed the soldiers, and more about trying to justify past and future military endeavors. The people who think this way are not all hippies and peaceniks.

I happen to be a young veteran with a normal job and a normal life. I “served my country” and then one day I woke up when I came to realize that war is not the solution, it never was, and never will be.

Sending our sons and daughters across the globe to fight in countless undeclared wars in countries that most Americans couldn’t locate on a map is beyond immoral. Spending almost $1 trillion a year to fund more than 1,000 U.S. military bases and 250,000 soldiers to act as global policemen in a state of permanent war is self-defeating, wasteful and unconscionable. How can anyone in their right mind support such insanity?


Black Sheep Rising – Episode 58

Roughing it at Porcfest2014 • Quitting Facebook? • Veterans for Peace • Should the city pay for PumpkinFest? Homeless shelter? • Shaunna and Joe join • Show notes at:

Steve Vaillancourt Endorses Freeman for Governor in Dem Primary

SteveVaillancourtRNH[1]Steve Vaillancourt is a liberty-leaning state representative who is a relatively widely-read blogger at NH Insider. He’s a studied opponent of the insane War on Drugs and has frequently testified in favor of ending drug prohibition, at least on cannabis.

Now, in a recent blog post, Vaillancourt speaks about my run against Maggie Hassan in the Democratic primary race for governor of NH, giving me both kind words and his endorsement:

Freeman’s approach was both ingenious and refreshing…were I a Democrat, I’d vote for Ian Freeman

Thanks, Steve! You can read his full blog post here.

AKPF #1: Ordinance Artistic

In this artistic, relaxing installment of AKPF #1, the audience is treated to imagery and nature sounds to fill out the twenty-nine minutes of airtime. Learn about recent celebrations in Robin Hood park, sign waves alongside the county corrections institution, and home chalking in suburban Keene.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 56

Tired of chalking yet?  Too bad.  The war continues.  We break down the madness from every angle • Rebels or Empire? • Keene city budget public hearing • Pumpkin fest lobbyists • What the hell is tax increment financing? • Doom movie review • James and Garret join • Show notes at: