Robin Hood Releases Cease and Desist Letter, Doge Address

rhood_doge3a1Published to the Robin Hood of Keene facebook page today was a statement explaining that a separate legal matter previously lodged against the Merry People had been resolved outside of court. While details are scarce, at least one redacted documented relative that that issue was also linked.

The Merry People truly made a media splash in the aftermath of a failed lawsuit filed against us by ‘the City of Keene’. However, a much more powerful adversary had also lodged legal claims against Robin Hood last year, and until now, we have chosen not to make public those civil charges. Fortunately, our representatives and theirs were able to work out a deal, and all is settled. To uphold our end of the bargain, we have modified our profile image on this page and will be publishing only a redacted copy the original ‘cease and desist’ letter.

Separately announced was the good news that Robin Hood and the Merry People now accept Dogecoin at the following address: D7KxRTdybVReZoz1MfRLTYdMecdhJ7MoS1

Crime Dog McGruff Featured in Illustrated AKPF Video

The issue of parking and its enforcement in downtown Keene occupied much of the final akpfsafety-tips-from-mcgruff-the-crime-doghour during yesterday’s weekly episode of SoundOff on WKBK radio. Hosts Greg Pregent and Chris Cotes were joined by Keene Sentinel correspondent Kyle Jarvis. One of the calls in to the show was placed by none other than city code enforcement officer Fred Parsells, who has previously moonlighted for the federal Toilet Safety Administration and has also operated as a chalk removal agent for the AKPF. Hear the entirety of the parking analysis as posted in audio format to Free Keene.

Minimum Wage is too Damn High

On Tuesday March 25th, 2014, five activists from Manchester including myself and Free Keene DSC00021blogger Joel Valenzuela drove to Nashua to protest the rally to raise minimum wage.  According to the Nashua Telegraph, Vice President Joe Biden was to be speaking at the event.  Unfortunately, Joe Biden did not show.  However, neither did anyone else.  The crowd consisted mostly of activists from Manchester, a friend of the Free State Project (who none of us had ever met), and the local media. The most interesting part of the event was how the “show” went on.  There was no real reason to do a political presentation to just protesters, yet they did it anyways.  The Union Leader interviewed us and mentioned the protest in their article.



AKPF Rate Hikes Raised on WKBK’s SoundOff

logowkbk1290Towards the end of last week’s Saturday morning episode of the live local call-in radio program SoundOff, a listener raised the issue of Keene parking rate and fine increases. The caller expressed discontent that parking would become more expensive and from his perspective, the rate hikes were enough to disincentivize him from choosing to frequent downtown businesses. The necessity of the rate hike is kicked around for several minutes by host Chris Cotes and guest host Dale Pregent, and the efforts of Robin Hood of Keene are mentioned in passing. Towards the end of the segment, Dale makes an underhanded comment about the parking enforcers, referring to one of the workers as a ‘parking maid’ while suggesting that there previously had been allegations of harassment of city employees by city officials. The audio has been specially set to b-roll footage of the AKPF van occupying various parking spaces throughout the city.

AKPF #1: Aqua Konflict People’s Fun

beeswaxfloating-duckcandle-01Another exemplary installment of the AKPF #1 series this week features more quality content from the 2014 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Opening with a well produced interview compilation captured by recent Chicago-area transplant Rob Mathias, we get insight into the passions and motivations of various activists around New Hampshire and beyond. The segment is followed up by a freshly cut edition of the Nashua duck vigil held on the morning of Sunday, February 23. Finishing out the show are excerpts from a public declaration by Garret Ean at the DPRK Central sub-Committee hearing on a proposal to increase AKPF rates, fees, and fines by hefty portions. Another locally produced CheshireTV program, Black Sheep Rising, discusses the increase proposals, as well as reactive response in a portion of their most recent episode.

1. 00:10 Declaration of the people (Liberty Forum compilation)
2. 15:46 Nashua Lost Ducks Candlelight Vigil Memorial Service
3. 27:20 Questioning the parking commissioner on proposed increases against DPRK civilians (taxation/penalization/criminalization/victimization)

URGENT: Contact Reps About Cannabis Legalization Bill, HB492

Pot LeafURGENT: From NH Common Sense:

It was a big deal that HB 492 (the legalization and regulation bill based on Colorado’s Amendment 64) passed the New Hampshire House January 8, but it will need to survive another close vote in the House before it reaches the Senate. The second and final House vote is expected either Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.

Please take a couple of minutes to look up your representatives and their votes. You can find your representative(s) and their contact information here, and the roll call vote on HB 492 is available here.

If your representative(s) voted “YEA” in January, please call or email them to say thanks and ask if you can count on them to vote in favor again this week. A call is much more valuable than an email, but both are very important and time is short.

If your representative(s) voted “NO” in January, please call or email them and make an effort to convince them they should vote in favor. (more…)