Hassan Admits Smoking Cannabis, Still Opposes Legalization

maggie_hassantransparent2a[1]The ridiculous hypocrite governor Maggie Hassan has now admitted to smoking cannabis in the past, but still says it should be illegal. On the other hand, some of her statements may suggest a willingness to support some level of decriminalization. Here’s the story from the Union Leader:

Gov. Maggie Hassan has vowed to veto legislation legalizing marijuana if it reaches her desk, but she admitted this week to first-hand knowledge of the substance.

During an interview on WMUR-TV’s Sunday morning “Close-Up” program, the governor was asked by host Josh McElveen whether she had ever tried marijuana.

“I was in college. I tried it,” she said. “But things have changed. The drug is much more potent now.” (more…)

AKPF #1: Wiretapus Dialectus

Straight off the press of the latest episode of AKPF #1, this persevering installment features historical footage from the Boston ATHF hoax of 2007 which resulted in a major press conference regarding hairstyles of the 1970s. The show also hosts discussions from a Chicago grassroots group responding to Obama’s Union of the State address, and concludes with a discussion on wiretapping and the tactics of videographers working behind the scenes to produce the weekly AKPF #1 program.


DPRK News Update for February

The official Democratic People’s Republic of Keene has released a ten minute February news update which airs on Cheshire TV as well as being hosted on the Aqua Keenedprk-unicorn-nhliquor youtube channel. In this timely update, we learn about the details of the audiotapes related to the Duckgate scandal from Nashua’s Crown Plaza Hotel, where an allegedly drunken state rep mowed down five ducks and injured more with his luxury vehicle. The recent electronic revenue generation theories being hypothesized in specific zones around Keene are overviewed, both from the perspectives of Keene’s Robin Hood as well as an AKPF field representative. Promotional consideration is given to the corporate sponsors, as the news update concludes with a hollywood cinematic teaser trailer.

School Board Disregards the Voters

Keene High SchoolDuring yesterday’s Keene School Board budgetary meeting the school board and the teachers showed their true colors. They care little about what the voters of Keene have to say and have little respect for the ever increasing property tax that has been inflicted upon the people who live in Keene. Conan Salada submitted multiple petition articles to the Keene School Board to be on the March ballot. Articles covered budget reductions as well as limiting the power of the school board to throw their weight around to get their way. In one exchange with school board member Ann Szot regarding the way the board rearranged the order of the articles straight out said they ordered them that way because they didn’t want them to pass. Interestingly Ann also donated money to Robin Hood of Keene for having saved her from a parking ticket recently. (more…)

Obama Speaks #SOTU For All

This week’s regularly scheduled AKPF #1 presentation has been rescheduled to present instead the presentation of official USA president Barack Obama in his Union of the State address for all citizens (but not all civilians). In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but lacking in caricature silhouettes to adorn the bottom of the screen, the audience is treated to smokeblowimagesobamalive commentary from a local demographic recorded during an amity gathering. As scripted, the US president painted vast and vivid pictures of bright tomorrows from obfuscatory presents. The crowd was electrified most of the time, which featured politicians and bureaucrats of multiple privileged rankings.