Official DPRK presents Unofficial DPRK

In further exploration of their counterpart six thousand miles away, the Democratic dprk-unicorn-1203People’s Republic of Keene is airing a special during the AKPF #1 timeslot showcasing current events in the unofficial DPRK of Northern Korea. This educational installment follows similar paths taken by Music of Unofficial DPRK from last week, covering such stories as training dogs attacking mannequins, state media spokespersons, and the purging of Jang Song Thaek from high ranking party positions. Stay tuned to the end for a dance party DPRK style and a quick promo from the central committee inauguration at Keene city hall.

Great News! Delmar Burridge Resigns From State House

Devil Delmar BurridgeLongtime readers of Free Keene may recall that state rep Delmar Burridge is one of the worst-rated by the NH Liberty Alliance, famously making news here by advocating that a Free Keene blogger, Toby, snitch out his friends for cannabis.

Now, the Sentinel announces wonderful news! The notorious supporter of the police state is resigning his position, thankfully right before a critical vote in the state house regarding cannabis!

Presumably there will be a special election, but no details on that have yet been announced by the city clerk’s office.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 33

It’s official.  The city of Keene has filed its appeal for the Robin Hood case.  Of Course, they have nothing to lose.  It’s just your money.  We discuss the four questions they intend to argue in court as well as the horrible labor laws in France and Corey Moore’s harrowing run-in with the Cult of Keene.  Yes, it turns out it is quite real after all.  show notes, archives and audio at:

NH House to Vote on Legalizing Cannabis Jan. 8th

Pot LeafThe NH house of representatives will be voting on legalizing cannabis on Wednesday, January 8th. Now is the time to contact the reps for your area regarding HB492 and let them know to vote AGAINST the COMMITTEE REPORT of Inexpedient to Legislate and then vote FOR Ought to Pass as Amended. The Committee Report MUST be overturned first, then the Minority Committee Report with Amendment can be adopted.

Then, come out to the state house on the 8th, bright and early, 8:30a to support legalization! (more…)