Great News! Delmar Burridge Resigns From State House

Devil Delmar BurridgeLongtime readers of Free Keene may recall that state rep Delmar Burridge is one of the worst-rated by the NH Liberty Alliance, famously making news here by advocating that a Free Keene blogger, Toby, snitch out his friends for cannabis.

Now, the Sentinel announces wonderful news! The notorious supporter of the police state is resigning his position, thankfully right before a critical vote in the state house regarding cannabis!

Presumably there will be a special election, but no details on that have yet been announced by the city clerk’s office.

Snooty Delmar Burridge Proposes Statewide Gun Ban from Govt Buildings

The high-and-mighty sociopath, Delmar Burridge, a sociopath who just won re-election as Keene state representative, is already insulting the average, non-college educated person in NH. He has proposed new legislation to ban guns from government buildings across NH, saying, “It’s outrageous…I don’t think public employees, people who go to college should be subjected to this.

Way to show your superiority complex, Burridge! Burridge, for those who are new to the blog, is infamous for telling FK blogger Toby Iselin to snitch out his cannabis-using friends, saying, “It is thrilling to dime on your so called friends.

Here’s the source article from Huffington Post.

Blindfolded Man Campaigns Against Delmar Burridge

Will May, former Free Keene blogger, heroically knelt for over two hours today at Keene’s ward 2 in opposition to Delmar Burridge’s run for state rep: (The sociopathic Burridge has called for bringing back the firing squad and banning guns from all public buildings, among other nutty proposals.)

Burridge Ignores Keene’s 2012 Candidates Forum @ Library

Interested voters turned out today to the 2012 Candidates Forum at the Keene public library this afternoon. Several candidates for local and state offices turned out including Chuck Weed, Tim Robertson, Anna Tilton, Darryl Perry, Keith Carlsen and more. Hopefully these candidate forums will continue in future years, as this is the only one that I’m aware of happening.

As expected, Delmar Burridge, the opponent of Chuck Weed and I, did not attend. Presumably because he doesn’t want to debate his indefensible, inhumane positions.