Killings After Katrina Paint Disturbing Portrait of NOPD

danzigerbridgegraphicJordanFlahertyA shocking trend of gang-related shootings plagued New Orleans following the hurricane infamous for destroying much of the city’s infrastructure. As national news media was reporting exaggerated claims of street-level violence occurring in understocked refuge centers, heavily armed and trained mobs were targeting and killings innocent civilians. Following the attempted murder of Donnel Herrington and the murder of Henry Glover on September 2, 2005, Danny Brumfield was killed with a shotgun blast to the back on September 3 near the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. The Danziger bridge shootings were perpetrated on September 4, resulting in the deaths of James Brissette and Ronald Madison, with four other victims suffering injury in the attack. Who was responsible for these mob killings?

It would be years before a critical inquiry into the senseless killings would occur, primarily sparked by intrigued journalists and eventually followed up by the United States department of justice through the federal bureau of investigation. Potentially more disturbing than what is known is what is not known. With reports of bodies being spotted throughout the city that appeared to be victims of gunshot wounds rather than storm-related injuries, there is no way to know exactly how many homicides occurred during the post-storm havoc. Survivors have cited numerous bodies buried beneath debris showing gunshot wounds in Algiers Point, an area which was not flooded after the rupture of the levees. In various journalistic reports, drunken neighbors in largely wealthy, european-american residential areas admit to operating armed patrols and firing on people who, “didn’t belong.” (more…)

The Broken Windows Theory is Failing Gary, Indiana

Fifty years ago, the population of Gary, Indiana reached its peak with nearly 180,000 residents. Infrastructure was being built on estimates that the area may soon be home to nearly a quarter million people. Founded around the turn of the century and designated as 2013_11_15garysealthe home of the Gary Works steel plant, soon automation replaced human labor and demand for domestically produced steel decreased. As the number of employees of Gary Works declined, so did the economy and tax base of the city, as well as its population, which now hosts less than 80,000 residents. During that time, another legal phenomenon swept the nation, which only contributed to Gary’s woes. The United States experienced the proliferation of the war on drugs. These two factors led to Gary experiencing high crime and poverty rates, which continue to affect the city that resembles a ghost town more each year.

The failure of central planning has also negatively impacted the city. City hall grossly overestimates property values in an attempt to recoup the tax base lost to other towns and cities as residents fled. While houses and businesses sit abandoned and in shambles, back 2013_11_15_garyabandonedtaxes are claimed owed on them despite their negative value. Travelling through the city full of crumbling structures, it would seem the obvious solution would be to allow the impoverished residents to homestead and reclaim the land and property which is underutilized. Yet police in Gary still work to combat squatting in structures deemed to have potential future value, if only someone would purchase and refurbish them. (more…)

AKPF Remix Unprecedented

2013_09_19_akpfAiring on this week’s AKPF #1 timeslot is an unprecedented revamp of Dolus, a prior episode. The infamous CoK official DPRK video of the ‘doctored’ Robin Hooding is replaced with courtroom footage to put you in the action with cast and dedicated fans of the Aqua Keene Parking Force. Additionally, fans receive more content from amateur videographer Peter ‘Sturdy’ Thomas, who did not appear in the court proceedings. See for yourself why AKPF is #1 in the Robin Hood:

Adequate Koexistence Personify Flourish #1

akpf_hose1aYour AKPF #1 installment this week Adequate Koexistence Personify Flourish is sure to spark continued controversy while informing the civilization of happenings in Keene and around the world. Airing October 14 2013 on Cheshire TV, AKPF #1 features the brave men and women of the Aqua Keene Parking Force official DPRK units exposing and documenting the activities of other central committee authorities and civilians. A Tribe Called Quest snags the intro music slot and rhymes on Midnight. Graham assists AKPF evening patrol featuring reflective safety vest. James and Garret reminisce on the solidarity building of the Occupy movement with pizza and cupcakes in Central Square after the end of the Free Battleground Keene Wars protests. In reflection, the scene of the first day of evidentiary hearings, August 12 2013 is recalled as James and Graham are sprayed with a hose by a bureaucrat trying to execute their chalkings. Robin Hood of Keene uncreative censorship by DPRK affiliates gets fancy pants all wet. Ji (Ji’e’toh Dog, co-host of Black Sheep Rising fame) contemplates a parking meter’s utility to the pursuit of his joy. Ridley talks about Jesus interpreted by European standards as applied to Robin Hooding. Ridley ambush interviews the governor about state police misaction, governor Hassan, Margaret does not speak or acknowledge, declines to shake hands of united states military veterans. Chris Sununu encounters the Ridley Cam regarding singing songs in liquor stores and banishment de no trespass orders per NH Liquor Commission. Finally, DPRK officials claiming authority over the AKPF gather before court and Jester Mullins delivers an infamous monologue about putting the truth aside and doing one’s institutional duty to “fight on that lie”. (more…)

Response to City of Keene’s Candidate Questionnaire

Full Name: Darryl W. Perry
Age: 35
Education: Associates in Mass Communications
Occupation: Owner/Managing Editor of Free Press Publications, Author, Radio Personality
Organizations to which you belong / have belonged: LAVA (Founder & Life Member), Ballot Access Fairness Coalition (Founder), Deny Consent (Co-Founder), NH Liberty Party (Co-Founder & Co-Chair), Zero Aggression Project (Associate Founder), Second Amendment Foundation (Life member), Libertarian Party (Life member), Cheshire TV, Downsize DC, Firearms Owners Against Crime, Free State Project
Public/government Service: At-Large Rep to the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party 2008-2010
Chairman of the National Committee of the Boston Tea Party 2010-2012
Co-Chair NH Liberty Party 2012-Present
Board Member, Cheshire TV 2012-Present

1. Why are you running for political office in Keene?
In a State that prides itself on political involvement, it is somewhat ironic that there are so few candidates for local office. I am running to give the voters a choice. On November 5, voters will have two choices for mayor, had I not filed, they would not have had a choice at all. (more…)