Black Sheep Rising – Episode 39

The Keene school district served us up a big ol’ helping of suck at last week’s deliberative session.  School Sucks Project’s Brett Veinotte gets pulled into our outrage as we discuss the shenanigans that took place.  Later, we bring it down even further with tales of suicidal penguins and rabbits on Viagra.  Oh, the Horror.  Show notes at

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 38

James and Garret stop by this week to catch us up on the latest in Robin Hooding news.  It turns out the Official DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Keene) have been producing their own propaganda videos in direct opposition to FreeKeene.  Who are the secretive editors behind these vids?  Also, more on DuckGate, congressmen who like throwing people off balconies, German dance-club torture music and the never-ending war on earbuds in the workplace continued.  Show notes at:

Obama Speaks #SOTU For All

This week’s regularly scheduled AKPF #1 presentation has been rescheduled to present instead the presentation of official USA president Barack Obama in his Union of the State address for all citizens (but not all civilians). In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but lacking in caricature silhouettes to adorn the bottom of the screen, the audience is treated to smokeblowimagesobamalive commentary from a local demographic recorded during an amity gathering. As scripted, the US president painted vast and vivid pictures of bright tomorrows from obfuscatory presents. The crowd was electrified most of the time, which featured politicians and bureaucrats of multiple privileged rankings.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 37

How will hidden messages in the bible make us better human beings and why do our ancient alien masters even care?  Bible code enthusiast, Joseph Mirzoeff, lays it all down for us.  Also, NH police find the time in their busy schedule to help man propose, republicans -vs- duck killers, and Politico rates NH #1 state in the union.  Show notes at:

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 36

This week:  no more handing out flyers in the new courthouse, DEA agent crusader rails against weed legalization, NH pot bill, silly Affordable Care Act commercials and it turns out Rapsher = ‘Liberty Conspiracy’ fanboy.  Show notes at

AKPF Presents: Banned Shire TV Episode

akpf_1xjamesgarretAiring on this MLKjr holiday is a very special edition of the late Shire TV program, guest written, directed, and produced by what would be the future crew of AKPF #1, James Cleaveland and Garret Ean. The two were tasked last year with producing an MLK day episode which would be perhaps the most controversial of the series. After a pre-submission airing by one of the Shire TV’s producers, the program was officially banned and censored from the program’s history and replaced with a soft ending episode 2013_01_andybohannonbadgewhich misdirects the fluidity of the original creation.

For the first time on Cheshire TV, one year from its originally blocked release, audiences can now enjoy the complete and uncut original episode as its driving creative talents intended it be seen. Enjoy the show, and have a delightfully disobedient Martin Luther King Jr day.