Guest Blog About the Memorial Day Parade Scene in Keene

New mover Chris Cantwell blogs on his facebook about his experience at the Memorial Day parade in Keene yesterday. It’s called, “When and Where Exactly are the Time & Place for Peace?”:

Happy Nationalist War Propaganda Day!

Today, people across the country are holding parades, having barbeques, and taking the day off of work in celebration of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, who were conned into dying for the false religion of statism. They call this ritual, Memorial Day.

Personally, I find it all rather disturbing. I don’t think it is good that we send men and women off to die in foreign deserts, jungles, and cities. I don’t think it is good parenting to tell your children that they should grow up to be like the dead people. I don’t think I have rights granted to me by violent institutions or men who act as their agents.

It was with these concerns that I grabbed a sign and joined some fellow peace activists at Central Square for the Memorial Day Parade in Keene, New Hampshire this morning. It was a lot of fun (more…)

Why Should YOU Oppose The Drug War?

This is why.

GRAYLNG — The fatal shooting of William Reddie, 32, by a Crawford County Sheriff’s Department deputy during the “emergency removal” of his 2-year-old son from an apartment they shared has many of his friends crying foul.

A Michigan State Police probe has concluded the shooting was justified because Reddie had a pocketknife and lunged at police.

“I can’t believe they (police) could not subdue Will without killing him, and over what, marijuana,” said Joanne Michal, who knew Reddie for half of his life. “Why didn’t police just arrest him or cite him for marijuana instead of removing his child?”

Marijuana itself is scientifically far safer than its prohibition ever will be.

This violence is totally unnecessary.

Keene: Still A Relatively Peaceful Society

*DISCLAIMER: Although the following may sound a bit negative, it was written in the context of making a point. I truly love living in Keene and have been very homesick during my current venture to Philadelphia. Philly is fun, but it very much exemplifies the fact that Keene is still a relatively peaceful society. The police state runs rampant down here, and honestly, it’s pretty damn scary. All I want is to live in a peaceful society. That is why I spend so much time taking the peaceful actions in Keene which have been described in detail on this blog; to help ensure that I have a peaceful society to live in.

From a comment of mine on my Facebook page: (more…)

Cowardly City Councilors Ignore the People, Vote for BEARCAT 9-4

Police State KeeneTonight, the Keene city council could have made history as the first ever political designation to reject arms manufacturer LENCO and the federal government’s pushing of the BEARCAT police attack “tank“.

They could have heard the voices of the people who were crying out against this intimidating monstrosity that will inevitably militarize the Keene police even more, and as city councilor Carl Jacobs appropriately pointed out, distance them further from the community they supposedly serve.

They could have. But they didn’t. The BEARCAT passed 9 to 4.

Despite the outpouring of opposition in the community against the BEARCAT, not a single councilor changed their vote from December, when they originally voted in favor of it. That vote was 13 to 1. Why were the numbers different? The new city councilors who took office in January were the ones to vote against it. So, the councilors who originally voted for it completely disregarded all the input they received from the community in various forms:

  • In a Keene Sentinel online poll, 72% said they city council was wrong to accept the BEARCAT. (Only 12% favored the BEARCAT in the poll.)
  • WKBK’s Dan Mitchell stated on-air that 90% of his callers were against the BEARCAT.
  • City councilor Bettina Chadbourne related during tonight’s meeting that of the 80 phone calls she received from various members of the community, (old, young, business owners, men, women, etc) only ten calls were in favor of the BEARCAT.
  • The public hearing on the BEARCAT featured dozens of speakers, the supermajority of which opposed the BEARCAT.
  • A random walk down Main St. would show anyone who bothered to ask people that the supermajority of people oppose the BEARCAT.
  • Most letters to the editor of the Keene Sentinel were in opposition to the BEARCAT.
  • During the meeting the councilors who favored the BEARCAT got no applause from the packed room, while the councilors who spoke in opposition to the BEARCAT were blasted with applause.
  • (more…)

Ron Paul Zombies Wake Up!

This video is made-up of three short parts:
