Keene: Still A Relatively Peaceful Society

*DISCLAIMER: Although the following may sound a bit negative, it was written in the context of making a point. I truly love living in Keene and have been very homesick during my current venture to Philadelphia. Philly is fun, but it very much exemplifies the fact that Keene is still a relatively peaceful society. The police state runs rampant down here, and honestly, it’s pretty damn scary. All I want is to live in a peaceful society. That is why I spend so much time taking the peaceful actions in Keene which have been described in detail on this blog; to help ensure that I have a peaceful society to live in.

From a comment of mine on my Facebook page:

Since I moved to Keene last Dec. 1, I have been thrown in a cage per the orders of “judge” Arnold at the Cheshire County superior court simply because I did not stand in honor when he entered the room, banned from said establishment for singing peace carols outside during the holidays, held hostage in a cage in the basement of said establishment, and am facing up to a year in the spiritual retreat (jail) for walking into this establishment which I am forced to pay for via theft (taxation). I have been banned from Monadnock regional high school, had students flip me off and throw things at my friends from their publicly funded school buses, and been threatened repeatedly for exercising my natural and inherent right to free speech by RESPECTFULLY handing out educational literature (I go out of my way to be respectful when doing public outreach).

And that’s only a portion of what’s happened to me in Keene. Additionally, in Manch, I face trial on the 22nd for writing “free Ademo” with childrens’ sidewalk chalk on a publicly funded building, although I immediately offered to clean it up. What happened to my right to peacefully object to the tyranny that I truly believe is being imposed upon us all, on the basis of my own conscience? What happened to free speech and all the other empty promises made to me by the constitution? I thought this was supposed to be America.

Yeah, Amerika, the good ol’ USSA.

Wake the hell up people and stand up for your rights….because every time ours are violated, it only serves to ensure a little bit further the inevitability of yours being violated as well. Due to simple laws of nature, the violation of my rights and those of my friends and family is equivalent to the violation of your own. I would highly recommend moving here, as it is easier to stand up for your rights with the support of our liberty oriented community. Also, it is sad to say that as often as our rights are violated here, it is much, much worse in most other areas of the country.  Despite it all, Keene is still a relatively peaceful society.

Anyways, enough bitching about Thê State. As far as I’m concerned it does not even actually exist 🙂 Peace and love,


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