Wake Up

Coming on the heels of my very publicly and ashamedly bowing to the threats of the IRS…  I read this. If you don’t like legal-eeze, don’t click it.

The US Supreme Court has refused to allow review of the dismissal of a civil case against the United States government by a man who was shipped to Syria and tortured back in 2002.  The man was innocent.  So innocent that the Canadian government has paid him $8.5 million dollars to make good on their part in his suffering.  Our rulers haven’t even issued him an apology.


Hypocrisy By Government Agents

You can tell when someone uses steroids.  I know several police officers who have used them and know some who probably still do so today.

I know several police officers who are lucky they were never caught committing various victimless drug felonies when they were younger adults.  If they had been caught and prosecuted (like the people they continue to advocate catching and prosecuting today) they would have been felons with a lifetime federal gun possession ban.  In other words, they never would be where they are today.  How quickly people develop amnesia and a lack of compassion for people who do the same victimless things that they’ve done.

I find particularly amusing that some of these same officers who have committed drug felonies are some of the same individuals who were so critical of me speaking out against the injustices of the drug war.  Logic: They were upset that I advocate(d) for people like them.  I digress.


Today I Support Violence

Like a person confronted with an armed robber on the street demanding money and telling you the money will be used to purchase new weapons to kill people, I embarrassingly fold to the threats of the IRS they graciously sent me in the mail.

I don’t want to pay for the military to continue killing people around the world at the behest of the military industrial complex.

I don’t want to pay for the CIA screwing with other countries and people.

I don’t want to pay for the CIA KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS WITHOUT ANY SORT OF OVERSIGHT.  (Didn’t people watch the Bourne Trilogy?)

But I will.  I don’t want my stuff stolen and I don’t want to be hurt.

There is no difference between a person giving an armed robber money and a person giving the IRS money.  Both are threatened with very real violence.

Actually, there is a difference.  With an armed robber you have the option of defending yourself.

Just Got A Threat Of Violence In The Mail

And you’d better believe it is a threat:


I don’t want to pay $892.96 to fund the police attacking people for doing things that haven’t hurt anyone.

I don’t want to pay $1561.55 to fund the local school system that will dumb down kids and teach them that it is okay to use violence to solve problems.

I don’t want to pay $353.24 to fund other school systems to dumb down kids and teach them that it is okay to use violence to solve problems.

I don’t want to pay $400.25 to fund keeping humans in cages for doing things that haven’t harmed anyone else.

………  but I will.  I will because I don’t want violence to be used against me.  I am a believer in karma so I’d say that I’d deserve it.

I used violence all the time to enforce the will of the majority.  If someone didn’t do what I said I’d either slam them on the pavement, put 50,000 volts of electricity through their body, hit them with a baton, or spray them with painful pepper spray.  I hurt a lot of people who never hurt anyone else.  I regret it.  I am sorry.

If I don’t pay the government will sell my home.  If I don’t leave when they sell it they will use violence to get me out.  If I defend myself…  I’ll be killed.

I understand how someone can think that this is acceptable behavior for a supposed “civilized” society.  It is not.

A Movie Every Government Agent Should Watch

Equlibrium.  One of my favorite movies of all time and a movie with a message that changed my life.

The movie centers around a government enforcement agent in the future where everyone is forced to take medication to repress emotion.  When the agent stops taking medication he begins to realize all the cruelty that he is inflicting on people.  Once he realizes the cruelty that the government represents, he violently destroys it.  The message, minus the violence (violence is the problem), is one that I wish every person who enforces government laws would absorb, reflect, and find metaphors for.

I too was a government agent doing cruel things to people.  I wasn’t taking medication to repress emotion like in the movie…  but I was led to believe that what I was doing was the right thing to do.  Hurting someone is never the right thing to do.
