Keene Parking Enforcement Re-brands As “Parking Services”

In a desperate attempt to try to seem less-threatening, the city of Keene parking enforcement has re-branded as “Parking Services”! As though anyone will be fooled into thinking they provide any service of value whatsoever.

Fact is, the only “services” they provide are enriching the city’s coffers. They certainly aren’t serving peaceful motorists unless you consider the threats they “serve”, to be of value. Who are they “serving” when they steal the car of a poor single mother who has fallen behind in paying parking tickets? They’re only serving themselves – the money they collect goes to pay their paychecks and funds their continued threats against you:

Robin Hooding Spreads to Poland!

Robin Hooding has made such an international impact that a group of libertarian activists in Kraków, Poland have taken up the heroic activity!

On their first foray into the streets they successfully saved six good people of Kraków approximately $100 USD in tickets from a very sad parking enforcer! Here’s video (click the “cc” at the bottom right to turn on english subtitles):

Supreme Court to Hear Robin Hood Case October 15

Following the victory of the Merry People at the New Hampshire superior court level, Robin Hood of Keene is now scheduled for another decisive win over the conniving legal team calling itself ‘The City of Keene’ — this time at the state’s highest court, the Supreme! On rhood_wantedakpfWednesday, October 15 at 9:30am, attorneys for the city as well as Robin Hood’s legal counsel will present brief oral arguments in support of their filings regarding the appealed case which was heard over the course of three full days last autumn. While one robed person entertained the narrative last time, on this examination, there will be no less than five dark-clothed individuals asking questions and formulating opinions regarding the legal parameters of the whimsical case.

As many stories that reach NH’s only appellate court resonate, this case has also prompted amicus curiae briefs from the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union in support of ‘Hooding and an opposition brief filed by the ominous New Hampshire Municipal Association. The location of the Concord court and details of their process are listed on their website.

Parking Enforcer Loses It: VIDEO

While out doing election day outreach at Keene State College, parking enforcer Linda comes along to issue some threats to peaceful motorists. I grab my Robin Hooding supplies and begin saving people from parking tickets. She begins behaving erratically as we approach an intersection, acting like she is going to cross and then turning around, then turning around again and so on. It was probably very frustrating for the poor people who had stopped to wait for her at the crosswalk while she played childish games with Matt and I.

After this encounter, I pulled out my video camera and continued to feed meters while holding her accountable for her actions. As soon as I approached with the camera she began her erratic behavior again, turning around a total of eighteen times within two minutes. She also accuses me of harassment and interfering, which we know are untrue – Robin Hooding is legal in New Hampshire and talking to government workers is not harassment. Eventually, she leaves the area, having failed at writing further tickets.

“Robin Hood” Arraigned, Faces Three Years in Prison for Recording Police

James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland was in Keene district court today for an arraignment on three class A misdemeanor charges of “Disorderly Conduct”, “Disorderly Conduct”, and “Resisting Arrest”.  The charges stem from a bullshit arrest made at the scene of a suicide in Keene a couple of months ago where James was attempting to record video of the situation.

Here’s video from today’s arraignment.  The trial is set for 12/30 at 10am in Keene district court.