AKPF #1 – Anthropy

Coming strong and solid following the denunciation of the program by the Keene Sentinel, we’re proud to present the fourth installment of AKPF #1. In this episode, we continue to explore the media explosion surrounding the Robin Hood of Keene lawsuit, while highlighting some golden oldies from the files of Aqua Keene.

1. 00:10 Opening AKPF Intro feat. the music of Too Short
2. 01:54 James Fallon introduces the Robin Hooders
3. 02:38 Dr. Dave joins the AKPF haranguement squad
4. 08:10 James shows how it is done on a very special FOX News broadcast
5. 12:10 Bill Miles delivers and important message about science in this submission
6. 14:03 CC.FPP puppy interlude (German Shepherd)
7. 14:09 WTNH Voice of the People heaps praise on Robin Hood of Keene and the Merry Men
8. 15:23 James F intros Pete Eyre’s RHK lawsuit overview from CopBlock.org
9. 20:43 Court Jester Tom Mullins declines communicating on the record.
10. 23:23 Peace News Now reports on the case (more…)

AKPF #1 Denounced by Keene Sentinel

whacky_delly_sentinelWe’re only three episodes into the hottest new weekly variety series on Cheshire TV’s local access channel 8, and already AKPF #1 has received a scathing denunciation from the anonymous editorial board of the Keene Sentinel! AKPF is allegedly tied to the devious Robin Hooding ‘campaign’, and the nameless author alleges all sorts of terrifyingly vague safety concerns that may come about as a result of filling meters. First sensationalizing the material, the author attempts to marginalize the Robin Hooding footage selected by referring to it as ‘mundane’. Clearly, they have not watched much of the hundreds of hours of footage at Fr33manTVraw if they think that a riveting discussion that myself and James Cleaveland had with parking enforcer Jane exemplifies mundane footage.

Before the conclusion of the editorial, there’s a video cited which, based on facts referenced, likely is this months-old video, which was produced by Chris Cantwell, a comedian from New York who is not affiliated with Robin Hood of Keene nor is named in the lawsuit. Though it would not take much investigating on the part of the Slantinel, it was apparently too much work to figure out the names of the individuals they make broad allegations against, not so much alleging crime as they are “childish behavior playing out in the streets”. Despite a functioning website, and presence on the internet for several years, the Slantinel also fails to link to the video they absorbed so much knowledge from. It is almost as though they would rather you just take their word for it. (more…)

AKPF #1 – Theopompus

2013_05_14_pastordan_akpfAKPF #1 continues to amaze the viewers of Cheshire TV local channel 8, as we proudly announce the premiere of the third consecutive episode, aptly titled Theopompus. In this rendition, the good people of Keene make many appearances in local television and internet media spreading the positive word of peaceful resistance.

1. 00:10 Opening AKPF Woo-Hah Doctor Dave’d
2. 01:47 Bill Kurtis and Phyllis George introduce a Ridley Report historical opener
3. 04:14 MSN News contemplates the particulars of the case
4. 06:11 Repsher and Derrick J take a stroll down memory lane with a former enforcer (more…)

AKPF #1 – Monolith

If you loved last week’s debut of AKPF #1, you’re going to be anxious for next week after you see the latest episode of Cheshire county’s hottest new variety series. Now available through AquaKeene, Free Concord is pleased to present episode 02, Monolith.

1. 00:10 Opening AKPF/ATHF Crossover Ska Theme
2. 01:40 Graham introduces the first submission by Trotting Bear Studios Martial Arts and Fitness CenterAKPF1_02A
3. 02:22 Nintendo Mario Super Robin Hooding Video Game
4. 06:07 Fancy Pants People’s science universe hour with special guest Michio Kaku
5. 14:09 The latest from the Rich Paul trial courtesy http://freeconcord.org
6. 28:22 Closing credits with Sarge Stern and MJ

Special guest host Graham Colson reps the AKPF #1. Ep. 03 premieres May 27 2013.

Prince John’s Royal Proclamation Denies Fiscal Motivation


Prince John MacLean

Prince John, on behalf of his court jesters and their enforcement units, has penned a desperate response to the global outpouring of support received by Robin Hood and the Merry Men following the royalty’s frivolous lawsuit against us. Through a royal proclamation published in Saturday’s Sentinel, the Prince builds upon his deceitful characterization of individuals that he first perpetuated in a Keene Sentinel cover story over a month ago. Prince John continues to demonize those who participate in Robin Hooding, conflating our actions to ‘intimidation’ and ‘harassment’.


Court Jester Thomas Mullins

Considering the amount of self-righteous fluff sandwiching the Prince’s sentences, royalty seems to understand the extent to which they have dug themselves into a hole with a baseless lawsuit against six activists. Whatever the city’s true motives, we can trust in our leaders that this action had “nothing to do” with revenue. “The city has no interest in whether or not these or other individuals wish to pay the parking meters, and no claim about this practice is made in the legal action…This is definitely not about parking meter money. On behalf of your mayor, Kendall Lane, your elected city councilor, and your dedicated city employees, we are all honored to work for you and this wonderful community,” MacLean assures. Fancying himself an omniscient ruler of his subjects, the Prince even alleges that he can peer into the minds of those he sues. Weaving two different interpretations of the motives of the Merry Men, the Prince begins, (more…)

Adam Sutler and Edgar Friendly Audition for Senate Panel

denis-learyfriendlyIn an entry published two days prior, you may recall reading about two theatrical monologues delivered at the state house which prompted a response from the Concord Monitor and from satirical blogger Susan the Bruce. And now, after one week’s wait, both performances are available on the internet for your viewing pleasure! Through the powers of Vimeo, you can see and hear both of the performance pieces as stand-alone orations, in addition to versions accompanied by their cinematic inspirations. Many thanks to Adam and Edgar for interjecting some culture into the otherwise drawn out and dreary budget hearing. Mr. Sutler’s performance is entitled The Law’s Coming (also with cinema overdubs).

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/66339281] (more…)