Why You Should Consider Vermin Supreme in 2012

If there’s ever a time to get political, they tell us that this is it. The 2012 imperial, state, and local elections will be held this coming Tuesday, and with them a new era of egomania.

The most overhyped and least important race to the individual voter should be the US presidential election. The individual has the least amount of sway in that race, and change is never more than a hope for the corrupt charmers who accept the deals necessary to privilege oneself to either of the duopoly party’s factions. By his actions more than his words, the first term of Barack Obama shall be judged. And by considering his active advancement of the military industry, both abroad and domestically through the militarization of police, the dear leader is revealed as a shapeshifter whose original, charming facade of representing peace has faded. Today in Concord, Barack revved the crowd to reminders of his ordered hit on Osama Bin Laden, and generally dodged all foreign policy, incorrectly claiming to have ended the war in Iraq, and citing plans just over the horizon to end conflict in Afghanistan.

Though I digress, because the presidential election is not actually about Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The election is about who the individual voter feels is the most principled and prepared person to undertake the tasks of the almighty office of the US president. Flocking, many people will select from prescribed candidates of the red and blue team. (more…)

Free Obama Drone!

If you’ve been following the United States presidential race, there’s a chance you’ve seen the viral video of an Obama supporter explaining that she supports her candidate because of a free Obama-phone. While telecommunications is an important issue to many Americans, Free Concord presents an alternative spin on the monologue from a foreign policy perspective.


Contact the Obama4Amerika campaign to find out how you can qualify for the disposition matrix and receive a free Obama-drone!

John Babiarz and Hardy Macia confront Zombies

The video project had 3 versions in total.  The Gary Johnson version was posted earlier on the blog.  Here are the other two versions that were made:

John Babiarz


Hardy Macia