Free Keene bloggers including myself, Daryl, and Pete as well as other liberty activists from the area will be heading up the Shire Society tent at the 75th annual Cheshire Fair, going on all weekend!
As the Free State Project continues to move activists to NH and those activists become more effective, more people worldwide will notice the amazing activism happening here and will want to be a part of it. Now, Youtube vlogger Amanda Billyrock has signed the pledge, showing how easy it is. She plans to arrive in Manchester in two weeks! You can join the FSP here. If you want liberty to have a chance, we need to concentrate our activism in one place. See you in the Shire!
In case you needed more proof that New Hampshire is the place to be around the coolest liberty activists in the world, here’s an epic half-hour video of footage from Buzz’s Big Gay Dance Party at Porcfest 2013!
Bonus cool points that it was shot and edited by liberty-loving state rep Mike Sylvia.
If you’re LGBT and love liberty – you are welcome in this awesome movement. Join the Free State Project, and get to New Hampshire ASAP!
Recently I had the “residency” charge against me dropped by Keene police prosecutor Jean M. Kilham. Kilham had wanted me convicted for allegedly being a “resident” and not having gotten an NH driver’s license. In order to convict me, Kilham would have had to have proven I am a resident, which is a legal term that has certain obligations attached to it, like registering cars and getting an NH driver’s license. The most obvious question is what obligation do I have to become a resident at all? Is it simply that men with guns are threatening me? Even by their own rules, RSA 21:6 makes it clear that a different legal status exists in NH’s system called “inhabitant”. It has the exact same definition as resident, but without all the requirements that come with residency (Lots of statues are written to apply only to residents, not inhabitants.) The difference between “resident” and “inhabitant” is that one must intend to be a resident. This is borne out by their own statute, RSA 259:88 that states:
no person shall be deemed to be a resident who claims residence in any other state for any purpose
That makes it pretty clear that residency is a status that people must seek. If I can avoid being an NH resident simply by claiming residency in another state, then that means I would have to change my mind, should I want to become a NH resident. I have yet to see any reason to become an NH resident rather than an inhabitant. It seems to me that residency only comes with obligations and no benefits. If you can think of a benefit, please post a comment.
Kilham admitted to me when she nolle prossed the charge that she was going to send her information to the DMV in NH because the burden of proof is much lower at a DMV administrative hearing. (That’s her admitting she has a lousy case.) She said she hopes they pull my “privileges” to drive for a year. Sure enough, I received a packet of information this week informing me that I am “ordered” to appear on Friday, July 26th at 1pm at the DMV offices in Concord. (more…)
It’s time to focus on wrapping up the 20,000 so the five year move window can begin – this new site takes the FSP to the next level on accomplishing that goal. It still has the useful features as it previously had, (like the 101 reasons to move to NH) but looks much better. Kudos to the volunteer team that put countless hours in designing the site.