Garret to Join Police Accountability Tour in Detroit

Garret Ean will soon join the nine-city, four-month Police Accountability Tour that aims to get folks on the ground better-connected, to share and facilitate the exchange of ideas and practices related to police accountability, and to ultimately erode the plague of police statism.

Garret is stepping-in for Jacob Crawford, who co-founded the tour with me a few months back based on discussions we had during the spring and while at PorcFest in June.

Jacob, a longtime Bay-area copwatcher who started and who a decade ago made These Streets Are Watching, the first know your rights video using on the street (not dramatized) footage, needs to focus his attention on some police accountability efforts specific to the Bay. (more…)

AKPF Remix Unprecedented

2013_09_19_akpfAiring on this week’s AKPF #1 timeslot is an unprecedented revamp of Dolus, a prior episode. The infamous CoK official DPRK video of the ‘doctored’ Robin Hooding is replaced with courtroom footage to put you in the action with cast and dedicated fans of the Aqua Keene Parking Force. Additionally, fans receive more content from amateur videographer Peter ‘Sturdy’ Thomas, who did not appear in the court proceedings. See for yourself why AKPF is #1 in the Robin Hood:

Paul Takes the Parking Ticket to Court

amish_paulWhile attending the three day long trial of Rich Paul, friend of Free Keene ‘Amish Paul’ was ticketed twice in two days. During that trial, courtroom doors were locked between breaks in which no re-entry was permitted. Having received a green flier from Robin Hood of Keene suggesting he consider challenging the ticket, Paul took the two tickets to court, and on October 17, a trial was held in his honor.

Paul was requested to arrive at 10:00am, and entering the courtroom shortly thereafter, he found one parking enforcer already awaiting the proceedings in the audience. The state’s prosecutor approached Paul and informed him that one ticket was being prosecuted today, and the other dismissed, as only one of the two parking enforcers who had issued the tickets was available for court. Delighted to have achieved one victory before the contest started, he would wait through another forty-five minutes of pretrial hearings and plea deals before the parking ticket case was called.


Robin Hood Coverage Spreads to Equinox, Icke

Since the lawsuit against Robin Hood and the Merry People was initiated in May, it seems Keene can’t go too long without another story and additional coverage of the ongoing case popping up. In its Thursday, October 10 edition, the Keene State College Equinox published an article on the local oddity. Bethany Ricciardi penned the piece which features quotes from Robin Hooders as well as observations from the reptilian_humanoidstudent body. You can read the article through the Equinox’s website or from a scan of the print edition.

A post on the website of famed conspiracy theorist David Icke today reported on the Robin Hood case using WMUR’s coverage of the lawsuit produced in the days following its filing. Icke is known for advancing the belief that many powerful global figures are secretly a species of shape-shifting reptilians. (more…)

Adequate Koexistence Personify Flourish #1

akpf_hose1aYour AKPF #1 installment this week Adequate Koexistence Personify Flourish is sure to spark continued controversy while informing the civilization of happenings in Keene and around the world. Airing October 14 2013 on Cheshire TV, AKPF #1 features the brave men and women of the Aqua Keene Parking Force official DPRK units exposing and documenting the activities of other central committee authorities and civilians. A Tribe Called Quest snags the intro music slot and rhymes on Midnight. Graham assists AKPF evening patrol featuring reflective safety vest. James and Garret reminisce on the solidarity building of the Occupy movement with pizza and cupcakes in Central Square after the end of the Free Battleground Keene Wars protests. In reflection, the scene of the first day of evidentiary hearings, August 12 2013 is recalled as James and Graham are sprayed with a hose by a bureaucrat trying to execute their chalkings. Robin Hood of Keene uncreative censorship by DPRK affiliates gets fancy pants all wet. Ji (Ji’e’toh Dog, co-host of Black Sheep Rising fame) contemplates a parking meter’s utility to the pursuit of his joy. Ridley talks about Jesus interpreted by European standards as applied to Robin Hooding. Ridley ambush interviews the governor about state police misaction, governor Hassan, Margaret does not speak or acknowledge, declines to shake hands of united states military veterans. Chris Sununu encounters the Ridley Cam regarding singing songs in liquor stores and banishment de no trespass orders per NH Liquor Commission. Finally, DPRK officials claiming authority over the AKPF gather before court and Jester Mullins delivers an infamous monologue about putting the truth aside and doing one’s institutional duty to “fight on that lie”. (more…)