If you loved last week’s debut of AKPF #1, you’re going to be anxious for next week after you see the latest episode of Cheshire county’s hottest new variety series. Now available through AquaKeene, Free Concord is pleased to present episode 02, Monolith.
1. 00:10 Opening AKPF/ATHF Crossover Ska Theme
2. 01:40 Graham introduces the first submission by Trotting Bear Studios Martial Arts and Fitness Center
3. 02:22 Nintendo Mario Super Robin Hooding Video Game
4. 06:07 Fancy Pants People’s science universe hour with special guest Michio Kaku
5. 14:09 The latest from the Rich Paul trial courtesy http://freeconcord.org
6. 28:22 Closing credits with Sarge Stern and MJ
Special guest host Graham Colson reps the AKPF #1. Ep. 03 premieres May 27 2013.
If you have any reason to believe the words coming out of his mouth, then former sheriff Dick Foote would like you to think he has no idea about his no-trespass orders he issued against several activists last year being ruled unconstitutional. He didn’t have much to say beyond the common political dodge of, “I haven’t read it, so I can’t comment.” Here’s the footage of my interactions with him outside the “town hall” with Kelly Ayotte recently in Fitzwilliam:
Local mom Kimberly Diemond, understandably concerned about her children, has decided to turn in frustration to advocating for violence against her peaceful neighbors in a hopeless crusade against drugs. She calls for prohibition of synthetic pot in this feature story by the Keene Sentinel’s Danielle Rivard.
What Kim is advocating is prohibition. It didn’t work when they prohibited alcohol, it’s not working on cannabis and other illegal drugs, and it won’t work on synthetic marijuana or “bath salts”.
The article outlines some very scary stories that have happened to people who have smoked these synthetic research chemicals – there’s no doubt that they are untested and possibly dangerous. There’s also little doubt they would exist at all, were it not for Kim’s war on drugs. It’s because of the fact that cannabis is prohibited that the people marketing these other products are successful. Cannabis is nowhere near as dangerous as the research chemicals have the potential to be. Cannabis has been used for thousands of years. It’s a relatively benign drug and some would say it works miracles.
However, people with the same mindset as Kim Diemond are the reason why cannabis is still illegal. Little do they realize that their own prohibition is responsible for creating greater and greater threats to their children.
Arresting people is not a way out of the drug problem. Putting addicts in jail is not helping them. Adding even more people to the jails in the name of stopping these research chemicals is just continuing and expanding the insanity of the “War on drugs”, which is really just a war on our family, friends, and neighbors. (more…)
Unfortunately, the parking enforcers of Keene have resorted to theft and destruction of property as a new attempt to thwart Robin Hood of Keene, a development that I view as further evidence of Robin Hooding’s effectiveness. I was given the following stack of cards in late February from an enforcer who informed me that they were removing them from vehicles and ripping them up. I then shot the video below in which a parking enforcer of the city of Keene removed some of our cards from a vehicle and threw them in the trash. I decided to wait to release this footage to see if the enforcers reformed their ways, but since the card removal appears to be continuing if a Robin Hooder is not with the enforcer, I decided to release the footage. Robin Hooders been told that this practice was occurring and have witnessed it prior, but did not have any footage of it until now.
If 22 national petitions filed on Whitehouse.gov, and an article today in the Concord Monitor are any indicator, discussion of the concept of secession is spreading rapidly through the minds of many in the United States. The Examiner reports that as of Monday, 22 states have a number of people circulating petitions for recognition of potential independence on the White House’s official petitioning website. While these numbers are currently in the hundreds and low thousands, the recognition of the legitimacy of the concept seems to be reaching a high water mark, and could continue swelling.
Ben Leubsdorf has penned two article’s in today’s Monitor about individuals making major movement with their feet, both into and out of New Hampshire. He reports on the expatriation of Frank Szabo, the controversial candidate for sheriff of Hillsborough County. Szabo announced early in his candidacy for the republican nomination that he had interest in protecting the sovereignty of New Hampshire from unconstitutional federal law enforcement actions. His campaign crashed and burned when he advocated enforcing non-existent laws against abortion seekers and providers. He announced Sunday on his facebook page that he had recently relocated to South America, where he plans to enjoy the remainder of his days. Currently in Chile, he states that he hopes to see extended family and friends in the future, though that may require that they voyage to visit him. He also announced in his facebook post that the IRS has seized $36,000 from him. (more…)