Video of the Bitcoin Panel @ Keenevention 2015

Bitcoin Panel 2015

Bitcoin Panel @ Keenevention 2015

Dr. Darren Tapp of NeoCash Radio and Dr. Tapp’s Mathematical Playgrounds headed up Keenevention 2015’s Bitcoin Panel! The 90-minute in-depth panel discussion covered various aspects of the bitcoin universe, from technical to the streets.  

Panelists included bitcoin core developer Gavin Andresen, owner of Ledgeview Commercial Partners Matthew Ping, Victimless Crime Spree‘s Derrick J Freeman, Open Bazaar‘s Chris Pacia, and Jeremy Kauffman of LBRY.

Here’s the full video of this globally-important panel:

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned here to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event (you can sign up for emails when the blog has new posts using the signup box in the right column). You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.

RLS 069 – Keenevention Recap!


The Rebel Love Show is joined by the lovely Tela to recap Keenevention 2015. To describe Keenevention in a nutshell is simply Sex, Drugs, and Anarchy. Suffice to say, it was a blast! Topics this week included puke worthy and inspirational panels at keenvention, the HallowKeene Dance Party, agorist charity Shire Sharing, sauna karma, and free uber activism. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM and

Detailed Blog Covers Nearly All of Keenevention 2015!

Hallowkeene 2015

Hallowkeene 2015 – Photo by Richard Masta

Thanks to Richard Masta for posting this detailed summary of just about everything that happened at Keenevention 2015! Here’s a quick excerpt from his introduction:

I was prepared for a weekend of exciting adventure and invigorating learning, and I got it. Libertarians know how to get things done. And in the Shire, they know how to have fun.

Richard first attended Keenevention in 2014, and posted a similarly amazing write up about that event. Like last year’s post, his article this year delves into detail on each panel and speaker he witnessed, including questions from the audience and panelists’ quotes. It’s exhaustive, in a good way.

Here’s a link to his full post.

Free UBER’s Christopher David Joins Free Keene as our Newest Blogger!

Illegal UBER Driver Christopher David

Christopher David Delivers his Keynote at Keenevention 2015

Continuing in Free Keene‘s tradition of giving some of New Hampshire’s best, visible activists a platform for their opinions, news, and media, I’m proud to announce our newest blogger from the Seacoast, Christopher David!

Chris has made headlines for his “Free UBER” project and delivered an excellent keynote brainstorming session at this year’s Keenevention. His energy and drive are exemplary and I hope we get lots more activists like him moving here as part of the Free State Project. Here’s his bio from our Bloggers page:

Chris is a web developer and early mover (as of 2009) for the Free State Project now living on the seacoast. He is the ‘illegal Uber driver’, arrested by Portsmouth police on felony wiretapping charges for a YouTube video showcasing effective activism. He is dedicated to ending wars and abolishing the State in our lifetime. Chris is also the founder of “Free UBER“, an activist network dedicated to defending ride-sharing worldwide.

Concord Monitor’s Front Page Features Keene’s Bitcoin Vending Machine

Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine

Keene’s Bitcoin Vending Machine

Thanks to David Brooks of the Concord Monitor’s “Granite Geek” blog for his coverage of the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine’s first year of operation. In addition to the front page of the Monitor’s print edition, the story also appeared in the Valley News, covering the Upper Valley of NH.

Brooks gets his reporting mostly correct, though I don’t share his view that bitcoin is doing poorly. It’s arguably the strongest currency in the world at over $335 USD per BTC as of this writing, with a myriad of businesses accepting it online and as Brooks notes, a bunch of NH businesses. By no means has it skyrocketed in popularity among average folks, but we’re talking about a major change in money here – there’s a learning curve involved at this point. It’s important to keep things in perspective: Bitcoin was released to the world in 2009. It’s been six years – a drop in the bucket of time. Bitcoin is just getting started.

Bitcoin is also easier to use than ever before. In the beginning, it was only geeks who could access bitcoin. As it spread and investors and more entrepreneurs got involved, easy-to-use wallet software became available. Now, all you need to do to get started with Bitcoin is download a free wallet and drop by the Keene Bitcoin Vending Machine at 661 Marlboro Street in Keene (Route 101), or acquire bitcoin in various other ways. Visit to learn more.

Here’s a link to Brooks’ front-page story here on the Concord Monitor’s site.

Hard Lesson from Portsmouth for the Libertarian Critics: Publicized Activism Offends

Portsmouth Herald, Spreading Hate of Activists

Portsmouth Herald, Spreading Hate of Activists

Here’s an ugly, state-worshiping editorial from the Portsmouth Herald that tries to position the area taxi companies as the little, local guys vs the big, evil national corporation. The reality is that UBER is merely a platform that individual drivers, who operate as independent contractors, can use to find people who need rides. These drivers live in the Portsmouth area, and as independent, individual businesses, are even smaller businesses than the local taxi companies. But that’s not all the derisive, snooty editorial imparts:

Incorrectly labeling “Free UBER” as “Free State Uber” – they take a dismissive tone of the demonstrations that have occurred at a local bar and last night at the city council meeting and then go on to insult the Seacoast activists in the same way the Keene Sentinel and other critics have insulted Keene activists, calling the activism a “Free State sideshow”. “You can’t make this stuff up”, the unsigned editorial whines regarding the activism surrounding the UBER controversy.

There have, within the libertarian movement, been many critics of various Keene activism over the years. We’ve been accused on more than several occasions, of having destroyed the liberty movement, not just in New Hampshire, but nationwide. The general idea is that because some people in Keene don’t like certain activism, that we have failed, and we should not be so offensive to people. Usually, the critics attack “Keene” generally, and use it as a pejorative and a scapegoat. Sometimes, you can get them to be specific about exactly *who* did something offensive to them, and what it was. If you ask a few critics for specifics, you’ll find that some critics liked the very activism that other critics found offensive. As is typically the case, you can’t please everyone (and shouldn’t try).

All the while, those of us who spend time actually doing activism (rather than attacking others’ activism), have been patiently trying to explain the truth, which is now being borne out again in Portsmouth: that activism that receives publicity is bound to upset people. It’s the nature of the thing.

Haters Gonna HateOf course, some of the critics of Keene activism would like to believe that *their* activism is done “right” and so it would not have the same negative effects as ours. So long as it doesn’t make the news, they are right. It won’t have much of an impact on public opinion at all. However, as we can now see in Portsmouth – where the Free UBER activism has been making headlines and garnering TV coverage, activists there have been confronted by hostile taxi supporters, UBER drivers’ cars have been boxed in by taxi drivers’ cars (a criminal act of “disorderly conduct” at the minimum), cabbies have snitched on the UBERS, the mayor publicly attacked them, Free UBER founder Christopher David is now facing a felony wiretapping charge as a result of his activism, and the libery activists supporting Free UBER with traditional protest and speaking to the city council, have now been insulted in a widely-read mainstream media outlet. At the city council meeting last night, one person speaking even suggested that UBER’s drivers could be child molesters and violent thugs.

This is what happens to those who challenge the status quo – and this is all only coming from one minor proposed change to the city’s transportation ordinances! The lesson should be clear now that the SAME reactions are happening outside of Keene:

The more success you have as an activist, the more publicity you will receive, and therefore the more hatred and derision will be directed your way. (more…)

More Mainstream Media Coverage of Portsmouth UBER Controversy

With the protest at the council meeting last night in Portsmouth and the second ticket issued to the Grandma UBER driver, mainstream media continues to report on the situation. Here’s a recent rundown:

First up, FOX 25 in Boston filed this report covering the protest and interviewing new Free State Project mover from Arkansas, Jessica Paxton, last night:
Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston

Here’s “>NH1’s package, filed prior to the protests: (more…)