Parking Rate & Fee Increase Proposal to Have Another Public Hearing: 4/23, 6:30pm

Sheriff of Nottingham

It’s never enough.

This week, business owners, liberty activists, and a former city councilor all came out to speak against the recently (again) proposed parking rate & fee increase proposal from the city staff. Almost all speaking at the hearing encouraged the FOP committee members to reject it. After over an hour of speakers, the committee voted 5-0 to put the matter on “more time”, which means it’s coming back for another hearing in two weeks.

If you care about freedom and helping the people who work and shop downtown Keene, please mark your calendar to come out and speak against the proposal on April 23rd at 6:30pm at the city council chambers, 2nd floor at 3 Washington St. Here’s a facebook event for it.

Here’s video of all the testimony at the FOP meeting from Thursday night:

BREAKING: Ademo Released From Jail After One Night, Judge “Respects” CopBlock

Yesterday, Free Keene blogger and Cop Block founder Ademo Freeman was arrested in Zanesville, OH court for speaking and jailed for five days for contempt. Now, after one night in jail, the same judge apologized and released him.

According to Ademo’s update streamed live this morning via Bambuser, he had a 15-minute conversation with the judge (on a Saturday!) who said he respects what Ademo does at, and that yesterday was a misunderstanding. He was then released from his contempt sentence and set free!

Ademo Arrested in Ohio Court for Speaking

Free AdemoAccording to Deo of Ohio Cop Block, Free Keene blogger and Cop Block founder Ademo Freeman has been kidnapped and jailed for five days for “contempt”.  He apparently said “mother fucker” to a court bailiff, who went and cried to the judge. Check out the multiple videos leading up to the arrest, over at Cop Block.

Here’s a summary of what happened:

Ademo Freeman. CopBlock Founder, blogger, and motherfucker was arrested today for contempt of court in Zanesville, Ohio. He was there to see about a Zanesville CopBlocker, who was arrested for obstruction for filming last night. The bailiff in his Bambuser video challenged him to show him where he had walked in the courtroom with a hat on. This created an argument about filming in the courtroom to which Ademo responded, “I sued the last mother fucker who told me I couldn’t record in a courtroom, you wanna be next?”


The shitbag bailiff then went into the judge and told him Ademo called HIM a mother fucker! The judge found Ademo in contempt and told him he was sentenced to 10 days. After an apology, the judge relented and lowered the sentence to 5 days. People we know in Zanesville are worried about Ademos well being when he gets out, as they know how Zanesville cops are. (more…)

RLS Episode 45: Polyamorous Crime Spree


Derrick J and Cecelia Fairchild make both of their second appearances in the Rebel Love studio this episode. Topics this week include the Feds stealing bitcoin from Ross Ulbricht, fsp media slactivism, Shire Dude season finally, Shire Dude destroys his brand by shaving his beard, snap chat activism, multiple 420 events happening in the Shire, Rob’s chest hair at Porcfest, costume ideas for the Big Gay Dance Party, Derrick J discusses his love for podcasting, new mover parties, more Porcfest stories, Cecelia goes #FullManch, difference between #FullKeene and #FullManch, RLS goes full #FlamingFreedom, Derrick updates us on his conceal carry case, and recording in the court room in NH. RLS broadcasts every Tuesday night on LRN.FM at 10pm EST.

URGENT: Sign the Petition to Stop the Parking Meter Increase

Parking FailA downtown business owner has started an online petition in the hopes of stopping the new proposed parking rate and fine increases from the city. It will be delivered to the city council and it says:

Downtown merchants and their customers are already paying enough! We are forcing our community to shop at the BIG BOX stores and dine out with their families at CHAIN restaurants because they offer FREE parking. Some view this increase as a segway to pay for a new parking garage but even after it is built the cost will stay the same to park downtown. The folks who live in the apartments above the storefronts need to park out front to unload groceries, carry in and out their laundry or simply to run up to their apartment to just grab something quickly and have to pay a meter to do the simplest chore. Our diners complain constantly and often have to run out in between their meal and shopping to put more money in the meters. Customers of the local stores are often complaining because they cost so much already and if not paid quickly the fine increases dramatically. Please sign below so I can personally deliver this petition to the City and show them that we are against this increase.

You can sign the petition online now and don’t forget the city council’s FOP committee is meeting tonight on the matter at 6:30pm.

Major Perk Changes for LRN.FM’s African Satellite Fundraiser

AMOS-5 Signal Coverage

AMOS-5 Signal Coverage

The LRN.FM African satellite Indiegogo fundraiser has been going about three weeks now and we’re not quite to 10% of the goal. In hopes of picking up some more contributors, some important changes have been made to the perks. Now the “Sit in-studio” perk, which allows you to pick your favorite show and then hang out in-studio during a recording session, is only $1,000, down from $5,000. Of course, you still have to cover your own travel and hotel expenses, but putting it at $1,000 should put it in the reach of more people.

New perks include $100 to have Angel Clark record a custom voicemail greeting for you and also new recognition perks for $5, $10, and $25.

Please, if you have already shared the fundraiser, can you share it again?

Is Rand Paul Scared of Vermin Supreme?


Is Rand Paul scared of being turned gay by Vermin Supreme?

This morning, likely democratic presidential contender Vermin Supreme was turned away from a campaign event for Rand Paul, the not-libertarian son of Ron Paul. Rand’s “NH Operations Director” sent a notice to Vermin prior to the event asking him not to attend. Vermin had originally RSVP’d to the supposedly public event at Milford, NH’s town hall and planned to hand out free candy in hopes of garnering Rand’s endorsement. Presumably the candy would also lure the gullible Rand supporters, many of whom seem to believe Rand is a libertarian.

To Rand’s credit, he can sound libertarian on some issues and is indeed the lesser of the evil people running in the major parties, but even he claims he’s not a libertarian. In case anyone needed to know for sure, here’s a story in Newsweek about how Rand proposed a 16% increase to the military budget, something his father wouldn’t have done.

Perhaps Rand knew the candy would be too tempting and sent the order to have Vermin uninvited from today’s event, or perhaps his staffer, Tammy Simmons, acted on her own volition in an attempt to shield Rand and his supporters from the corrupting influence of Vermin’s candy.

Vermin is also known for using his fairy dust to turn democratic presidential candidate Randall Terry gay back in 2012. Odds are good Rand is aware of this tactic, and that may be his motivation to keep Vermin away. In an interview this afternoon, Vermin acknowledged it’s possible that Rand fears being turned gay, and would not comment on whether he has any fairy dust in his possession, calling that a “closely held secret.”  Rand better hope Vermin isn’t holding any fairy dust. (more…)