Concord Monitor Feature Article on Free State Project’s Future

Free State ProjectThe liberty movement in other states don’t get a fraction of the news coverage that Free State Project participants do. That’s because they aren’t anywhere near as relevant. The FSP is a major threat to the status quo, and the press its members receive is proof. Here’s the latest feature piece from the Concord Monitor focusing on the future of the FSP, thanks to the Monitor’s Nick Reed: (more…)

Keene Liberty Activists Testify on Concealed Carry & Police Militarization Bills

In Concord this week, a bill that would make concealed carry of a gun legal without a license was heard by the state house criminal justice committee. It’s already passed the NH senate and if it makes it through the state house and governor it will make New Hampshire as free as its neighbor Vermont, in the area of gun freedom. The room was packed with supporters of freedom and also held a few fearmongering moms. Keene liberty activists spoke out in favor:

Darryl W. Perry:

Chris Cantwell: (more…)

Rebel LOVE Show ep 44: Brazilian Anarchy


Bruno Parga and Mattheus Von Guttenberg joined us in studio this week. Bruno Parga is a recent new mover from Brazil and Mattheus Von Guttenberg, a crypto-anarchist aficionado makes his return to the show. Topics this week include Bruno’s move from Brazil, buying cars with bitcoin, right to travel, eskimo family tree, the community coming together about a common threat, encrypted communications, stop free Dover, polyamory at Liberty Forum, and secession movements including here in the Shire. The Rebel Love Show broadcasts live every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM

Keene’s “Free Talk Live” Moves Up to #38 on 2015 “Heavy Hundred” Most Important Talk Hosts!

Thanks, TALKERS!

Thanks, TALKERS!

Free Talk Live” is a nationally syndicated talk radio show that originates from Keene and is hosted by NH liberty activists, most of whom moved here as part of the Free State Project. The show is heard on over 150 radio affiliates coast-to-coast and beyond! In 2009, FTL was named to the TALKERS Magazine “Heavy Hundred” for the first time at #97 and we’ve risen on the charts each year since. Today, in the 2015 edition, we’re honored to be named #38 on the yearly list of the top talk show hosts in America!

Thank you to all our listeners, AMPlifiers, radio and other affiliates, TALKERS Magazine, and our syndicate for helping make this possible.

P.S. The African satellite fundraiser is still going (through mid-May). Please help us get LRN.FM, which includes Free Talk Live and dozens of other great liberty-oriented shows, back on satellite over Africa!

Chris Cantwell Schools KPD’s Ken Meola on Heroin Bust

The War on Drugs is a failure.

The War on Drugs is a failure.

In a recent article, Christopher Cantwell calls out the recent major heroin ring bust in the Keene area and reveals, through simple economics, how it will likely make things worse.

Odds are, prices will go up, and junkies will have to steal and rob even more in order to fund their habit. As Cantwell points out, the dopers won’t quit just because their supplier disappears. All Keene police have done is create a business opportunity for the entrepreneur willing to take some risk. Plus, those stepping in to fill the demand in the market may provide product of questionable and even dangerous quality.

Cantwell lays it all out in this outstanding piece: (more…)

Local Business Owner Vindicated In Child Stalking Allegations

Jennifer Schmidt

Jennifer Schmidt

Jennifer Schmidt has been vindicated in Keene District Court as judge Edward J Burke has ruled there was not enough evidence to issue a permanent no-stalking order in the case brought against Schmidt by her down-the-street neighbor Anne Tallon.

Tallon had alleged that Schmidt was stalking her grandson, who is 10 years old. She claimed in her original court filing (which resulted in a temporary stalking order against Schmidt) that Schmidt had tried to corner her grandson in the supermarket, that while he was playing in the front yard she’d given him the finger, and that she’d allegedly flashed something that appeared to be a knife at him, among other things.

Despite Tallon claiming in her original filing that school superintendent Dan Black had banned Schmidt from the school property where both their kids attend, Black was not called as a witness. In fact, Tallon’s only witness was herself, and she admitted that she had basically been going on what her grandson had told her. With the exception of a mutual yelling incident between the women during an encounter at Hannaford, there appeared to be very little interaction between Tallon and Schmidt. Tallon admitted she had not personally witnessed any threatening or stalking behavior.

Schmidt’s case was much stronger. Multiple witnesses were called and when Tallon was being cross-examined she admitted that her grandson has behavioral issues. Schmidt’s case was that Tallon’s grandson has threatened to kill people and is generally a little hellion, so she has been concerned for her daughter’s safety.

Tallon’s case was weak without witnesses or any evidence whatsoever and she ultimately lost, with judge Burke taking the case under advisement then later issuing an order denying Tallon’s request for a permanent stalking order to be issued. As a result, there should no longer be a temporary stalking order against Schmidt, either.

Is Schmidt just an innocent mother protecting her child from a school bully? (Don’t expect the government schools to do that for you, despite forcing your kids to go there.) Or did Schmidt intimidate Tallon’s grandson when no one was watching? No one will ever know for sure except her and him. We do know that Schmidt is the wife of the very angry Matthew “Boston Strong” Schmidt, who recently threatened on video to make some neighborhood childrens’ lives a “living nightmare” and who regularly removes downtown chalkings (including those created by children) in Central Square. Both Schmidts are members of a local group of Free Keene haters.

Here’s full video of the hearing from earlier this week: