Grafton Deliberative Session Goes Ten Hours, Moderator Allegedly Cries

GraftonLiberty activists in Grafton are making headlines again this year. They’ve submitted 20 warrant articles, which unlike Keene’s school board petitioned warrant articles, were not gutted at this year’s deliberative session. The deliberative session in Grafton was reported on by both the Union Leader and the Valley News.

The conflict-heavy meeting reportedly went to the ten hour mark and the moderator of the meeting was allegedly driven to the verge of tears, according to the Union Leader report. Activists in Grafton are definitely having an impact! Hopefully Grafton activists will weigh in at some point with a full report on the successes and failures of the brutally-long meeting.

Keene Activists Speak Against Police Militarization, Minimum Wage @ State House

A bill before the NH state house would, if passed, restrict police in NH from acquiring any equipment that average people cannot acquire, thereby preventing further issuance of any BEARCATS and other military-grade equipment, and stopping the further militarization of the police. This week, Keene liberty activists went to the state house to speak on the bill and the issue of ending police militarization. Here’s video:



Also, we dropped in on a hearing to increase the minimum wage and explained to the legislators why the minimum wage only hurts those it intends to help and how it’s economically destructive: (more…)

Who represents the minority?

Feb 13th, 2015. Keene Sentinel letter to the editor:

Democracy: Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner!

That’s exactly what went down at last Saturday’s deliberative session, where a small group of fiscally responsible residents went head-to-head with the tax hungry education industry.

As was expected, they were completely outnumbered, ridiculed and ultimately silenced. School board member Susan Hay summed up the proceedings perfectly, “We don’t need a very small minority of people in this community — that do not in any way represent the will of the people — telling us how to do our job.”

This brings up a very important question. Who, then, represents me? If I have no voice because the powers that be disagree or outright refuse to hear me, why then should I be forced to pay into such an institution. What happened to deriving their powers from the consent of the governed? Well, I officially renounce the consent I never swore to in the first place.

And what is this “will of the people?” (more…)

Gilford School Bus Drivers Admit Recording Audio Without Notice, Signs Went Up Tuesday

As reported here at Free Keene yesterday, buses for the Gilford school district have been illegally equipped with video cameras that capture audio.  Now, much better, longer video has been posted where drivers admit that the cameras have been present for months and without any posted notice until Tuesday of this week.  This is a clear violation of the awful NH “wiretapping” statute.  There is a section of the statute exempting school districts, but only if notice is posted.  It wasn’t, as the drivers make clear.  Though the police in NH have arrested countless average folk and activists for violating the statute, the school board will avoid any consequence – just watch.

Congrats to whatever brave teens who produced this VERY entertaining video.  It’s particularly entertaining thanks to the ridiculous third bus driver who gets on her two-way radio to report the dastardly students who are conducting an investigation.  Thanks also to Josh Youssef for posting the hilarious video:

Owl Pellet Satirizes Free Keene Again, Claims Activists Blocked Snow Plows

2636563[1]The satirical Owl Pellet has once again reported on their fictional version of “Free Keene”! The first time they focused their Onion-like publication on Free Keene, it was a funny article about how Keene liberty activists were looking for something related to Pumpkin Fest to protest. This time, they claim liberty activists are protesting and even blocking snow plows!

Like the Onion frequently does, the Owl Pellet has managed to fool some people into thinking Keene liberty activists actually oppose snow plowing, so just to be clear, my view (and I don’t speak for anyone else) is that plowing and other road maintenance are services of value.  Services that people value don’t need to be funded by coercion, which is how government is currently funded.  Voluntarists don’t want to dismantle these services – we just want them funded by consent.  I consent to road maintenance.  I imagine you would too.

Rebel Love Show ep 35: Sedition is Sexy


This episode was the Rebel Love Show’s first live broadcast on LRN.FM. It is an absoulte honor to broadcast on the network. The show opens up with Liberty Forum updates. RLS will be recording live at Liberty Forum in Manchester NH every day March 5th – 7th. RLS is also hosting the Liberty Forum party at the Quill on March 7th at 10 pm. Rob will also be doing two talks at Alt Expo that is a part of Liberty Forum with the artist formerly known as O-Girl. The guests for this episode are the Seditious Sirens. Topics discussed on today’s show include Rob’s tinder activism, school outreach we did at the local Manchester high school, Rob will be taking the city of Manchester to court, planned 420 outreach, RLS and Seditious Sirens hitting up ISFLC, the origin story of the Seditious Sirens, multiple Keenevention miracles, the difference between Full Keene and Full Manch, Shire time explained, living in an Eskimo family, can you be a good Free Stater with out a bitcoin wallet?, Renee is going to bring back the Shire Choir, Ann shares her experience with activism, and Cop Blocking in Manch.
If you are not listening to LRN.FM on Tuesday nights, you can still find the Rebel Love Show on Itunes, Stitcher, YouTube, and Facebook.