Keene Robin Williams Memorial Features Chalking


Look at this criminality!

Within the past few days the people of Keene have placed flowers and mementos at the foot of the Parrish Shoes painting in downtown Keene to memorialize late comedian Robin Williams.  Fans of the Williams film Jumanji may recall that some scenes were shot in Keene’s Central Square.  The fictional Parrish Shoes painted advertisement still exists today in downtown Keene, and is the site of the pictured memorial.

Have any of the anti-chalkers from “STOP FREE KEENE!!!” shown up to remove the chalked Robin Williams quote from his memorial?

Cause you know, chalking is childish and people hate it.

Oh wait, no it’s not childish. Chalking is a valid, temporary communications method. The question is, what are you communicating?

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 65


Add value to your home =  get punished by the state • Guy buys all the McD’s apple pies to spite brat • British man opens his own toll road • libertarian Tea partiers? No such animal • Tim, Jay, and Darryl join • Show notes at:

Rebel Love Show Ep 20 “In Satoshi’s Name”



Dr. Darren Tapp of NeoCash Radio stops by the Rebel Love Studios and drops some bitcoin bombs.  Topics discussed include how Darren first became interested in bitcoin, personal experiences transferring money with and with out bitcoin, and the preferred use of bitcoin among the liberty community here in the Shire.  Every Rebel Love Show episode is available at  Show archives are also available on itunes, stitcher, and youtube.

Ian’s Speech At the First NH Gubernatorial Debate (Hassan Chickens Out)

Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of being able to speak for up to ten minutes in front of the first New Hampshire gubernatorial debate. There will be no democrat debate, since both of the other democrat candidates refused to respond to the invitation from Franklin Pierce University. I’m grateful to the organizers at FPU for the opportunity to speak despite the other candidates’ absence.

It’s kind of surreal to watch a voluntarist (me) speak truth to power about the criminal state while standing in front of that very state’s flag (gang insignia), yet, it actually happened:

(And only possible in New Hampshire.)

Here’s the speech in written form: (more…)

FSP President Responds to Concord Monitor “My Turn” Hitpiece

Gericke_Carla2008[1]Free State Project president Carla Gericke responds to the recent fearmongering guest editorial by Matt Murray, a supporter of the aggressive monopoly state, in a guest editorial of her own at the Concord Monitor’s “My Turn”:

On July 19, the Monitor published a “My Turn” by Matt Murray of New Hampshire Labor News excoriating the Free State Project and quoting the essay by Jason Sorens that led to the formation of the FSP.


The FSP does not usually respond to attacks, but now is the time to make some facts clear. (more…)