Almost Arrested for Recording Cops

Bad Cop on Make A Gif

This Friday was an eventful night. First, a man was arrested for honking his horn in support of activists. Then, my friends and I are threatened with arrest while trying to bail him out. He’s now sitting in jail for the weekend, and his car was impounded. The tow truck man accepted an offer by an activist to pay to tow the guy’s car to his home, but the police threatened to revoke the tow truck man’s contract with the city if he did.

The whole idea about police is that “society” gives up some rights and freedoms to a small group of people in order to gain some safety. The problem is that the people who are willing to give up their freedoms are already well behaved, and the people who behave badly are attracted to power. This arrangement turns a populations of good people into easy prey for tyrants, knowingly or unknowingly. Illustrated here:

Subscribe to my personal youtube channel DerrickJLive for all the raw videos, or just FR33MANTV if you want to see only the polished ones. More of everything at


A normal night across America is a normal night for activists in the Shire


Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

DUI checkpoints have become a normal way of life across America.  The violation of the fourth amendment is common place where people have become domesticated to the idea that police have the authority to stop and search you for simply 10570327_10152125834901618_1466585235351947903_ntraveling under the guise of “safety”.   In New Hampshire, it has become common place for dozens upon dozens of activists to take out cameras and show their opposition to the police.   On the night of 7-25-14, roughly 30 plus activists took part in warning motorists of the check point and confronting police about their illegal activity.  By yourself in any other part of America, this would be considered crazy and unsafe.  In New Hampshire, showing resistance and opposition to the police state is just a normal night.

Cops Punish Driver for Supporting Activists

Last night there was a DUI checkpoint in Manchester. This is a federally-funded program. Some activists held signs to warn drivers of the impending stop so that they could avoid it. One man who appreciated this honked his horn in support, and he was arrested. Here is the video of that arrest:

Here are the full raw videos from that night:

Rich Paul Vindicated on Weapons Charges


Rich Paul: Vindicated

A couple of months ago, Free Keene blogger Rich Paul was arrested for “violation of probation”. Despite having failed a drug test and having admitted using cannabis, probation officer Jason Smith had chosen not to arrest Rich, per his testimony at the hearing below. Smith said he was arrested because a local hater snitched on Rich, claiming he’d violated probation by possessing a weapon.

Rich says he was using a camera monopod to take a defensive stance against two employees of Pedraza’s/Pour House who were threatening, and subsequently attacking, people who were chalking in Central Square. In point of fact, one Pour House employee who did a lot of threatening, is seen in the video of the incident, taking the camera Rich had put down and smashing it, among other criminal acts.

In a full violation of probation hearing at Cheshire superior court this week, Rich was jailed over the cannabis violations, but vindicated of the most serious charges: weapons & rioting. The video and testimony made it clear his actions were justified. He was legitimately using the monopod to prepare to defend himself and others from attack. As I understand it, in NH even felons are allowed to defend themselves against attack, and use anything in the vicinity in order to do so.

Regarding the cannabis violations, probation officer Smith testified that probation was pointless for Rich, as he is going to continue using cannabis for medical purposes. There are 500 people on probation, and only four agents, according to Smith. Judge John C Kissinger took Smith’s recommendation and agreed to remove Rich’s probation after he serves six months in the Keene Spiritual Retreat! (Factoring in his time served prior to the hearing and presuming he meets the NH “good time” requirements, he’ll be out in about three months, in time to speak at Keenevention 2014!)

Rich’s testimony is passionate and principled. This is a great court video:


The probation system is awful and is designed to violate the participants, over and over, keeping them in an unending cycle of destruction of their lives. (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 62


The ever controversial liberty blogger, Christopher Cantwell, visits the studio this week and promptly steals the show, but I’m not mad at him. It was good times.

What we talked about: Producing good internet content • Copblock under fire; Becoming too radical for some • Getting blocked from Facebook. Again • Ladies, stop trying to kill chivalry • Marvel introduces lady Thor • Darryl, and Rapsher join • Show notes at:

Tweets from Rich Paul’s VOP Hearing

2013_04_20_freerichBelow are tweets from Rich Paul’s mostly successful VOP hearing where the state failed to prove, even by preponderance of the evidence, that Rich had violated the weapons prohibition! He was sentenced to some time due to cannabis violations, to which he readily admitted, however once he’s out, he’ll be OFF probation! Hooray! Video to come later. Thanks to Darryl for the live tweeting. Here are his tweets in reverse chronological order:

Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry
#RichPaul sentenced to 6 months in the House of Corrections with 37 data pretrial credit
Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry
Judge is making notes…. presumably calculating the sentence for #RichPaul
3h (more…)

All The World’s A Stage

There’s a restaurant in Keene called The Stage. But there’s no stage quite like the one that sits adjacent to it: Keene Central Square. Made famous by dozens of courageous arrests, Central Square plays host to the most bizarre encounters ever to be imagined.

In this video, activist and blogger Garret Ean records as he and members of the group “Stop Free Keene!!!” are locked in a never-ending chalk-removal battle. Some people are chalking while others are removing the chalk with water.

Local cop (and occasional persecutor for ‘the State’) Jason Short arrives and asks if there is a problem. Immediately the cries come from both sides, like children reacting to daddy coming home and finding siblings fighting.

“We are just trying to clean up the park, and these mean people keep making it dirty!”
“They sprayed water on me! Don’t we have a right to the first amendment?”
“Yes, yes, calm down children. Behave. You’re both right. Now just get along, will you?”
“Don’t tell us what to do!”

One girl with bleached and fading pink hair faces a much taller Jason Short as if confronting a bully, and then, teary-eyed, dramatically walks away. Hamming it up.
