Taxpayer Standing On The Ballot Tomorrow

Everyone in New Hampshire should vote “yes” on Constitutional Amendment #1, which reads in part, “Therefore, any individual taxpayer eligible to vote in the State, shall have standing to petition the Superior Court to declare whether the State or political subdivision in which the taxpayer resides has spent, or has approved spending, public funds in violation of a law, ordinance, or constitutional provision.”   (more…)

2018 Cheshire County Candidate Forum Speech : Ian Freeman

I was recently honored by the Walpole Grange in that they invited me (and the other local libertarians running for office) to their candidate forum event. I was given six minutes to speak about my campaign, where I struck at the root against the entire idea after the state after covering the drug war, voluntarizing taxation, and secession in four minutes. Later, I was given two more minutes to speak regarding the gubernatorial campaign of Jilletta Jarvis. Here’s the video:

You can learn more about my campaign here.

Libertarians Protest Unfair “Granite State Debates”: Last Night & Thursday Night

Libertarians Protest Unfair Debates Outside St. Anselm College Yesterday

Libertarians Protest Unfair Debates Outside St. Anselm College Yesterday

As of 2016’s election, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire has gained full ballot access as a major party on par with the Democrats and Republicans. This is a big deal as it means we no longer have to jump through ridiculous ballot access hoops like petition gathering to get candidates on the ballot here. This has resulted in more Libertarian candidates appearing on the ballot here in Keene than Republican candidates. If the LPNH’s gubernatorial candidate, Jilletta Jarvis, can receive at least 4% of the vote this year, the party’s major ballot access status will continue for the next two years.

Sadly, the two largest mainstream media entities are working to help stop Jarvis from getting her ideas exposure in their debates they are hosting this week. WMUR-TV and the Union Leader are putting on the “Granite State Debates” and have set the rules to where only the Republican and Democrat candidates will qualify. To get in to their debate, a candidate must have received 12% in a recent poll and have raised over $25,000. Ironically, Darryl W Perry told me that both organizations have opined in favor of getting money out of politics, but when it’s a metric they can use to exclude the Libertarians, they apparently support money in politics.

NH-2 Congressional Libertarian Candidate Justin O’Donnell

The idea that such rules are in any way necessary is totally ridiculous. There are only three ballot qualified candidates for governor. It’s not like they’d need eleven podiums on the stage. They could have kept it fair and allowed in all ballot-qualified candidates, but they stacked the deck against the Libertarian campaigns.   It’s pretty clear the exclusion was done on purpose, likely to appease the other two parties’ candidates, who as we saw recently may refuse to attend if the Libertarian is invited.

It wasn’t just the race for governor. Last night they held their debate for NH’s 2nd congressional district and excluded Libertarian Justin O’Donnell. In an interview with Free Keene, O’Donnell said this on the matter:

Radio and TV broadcasters are given free access to use public airwaves worth more than half a trillion dollars in exchange for a requirement that such broadcasters “serve the public interest” and provide a fair and unbalanced reporting of the news to inform the American people. By hosting a facade of a debate, and failing to include all the options who have qualified to be on the ballot, these broadcast organizations are negligent in their duty to inform the people.

Tomorrow, Libertarians will gather to protest starting at 5pm, two hours before the beginning of the gubernatorial debate at St Anselm College. They will be standing near the college’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics at 100 Saint Anslem Drive in Manchester. LP gubernatorial candidate Jilletta Jarvis will be present. Last night the turnout was approximately a dozen activists – hopefully we’ll have as much or more tomorrow night! The fake “debate” begins at 7pm Eastern.  Here is a facebook event for the protest.

New “Bitcoin Embassy NH” Featured on Front Page of Monadnock Shopper News

Monadnock Shopper News' Front Page Article About Bitcoin Embassy NH

Front Page Article About Bitcoin Embassy NH

Last year, the Monadnock Shopper News, a weekly paper delivered by mail to 40,000 households in Cheshire County, ran a front page story about Bitcoin’s growing popularity in the region at local businesses. This week, the Shopper News once again is featuring Bitcoin on the front page, announcing the major news that New Hampshire now has its own Bitcoin Embassy!

If you live in Cheshire County, NH you probably already have a print copy at your house, but you can also download the PDF of the front page, above-the-fold feature story here.

Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire, which recently launched inside Route 101 Local Goods at 661 Marlboro Street in Keene, is not the first Bitcoin Embassy in the United States, but it is the second one! The first was opened earlier this year in Atlanta. There are others in various parts of the world but Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire is the only one in the Northeast part of North America.

The Bitcoin Embassy will be a place for learning, with “Bitcoin 101” classes already available, teaching the basics of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Classes are pay-what-you-can-afford, which means if you can’t afford to pay, you can still attend for free. Drop in to take a tour at 661 Marlboro St in Keene and sign up for a class, or visit online at

2018 General Election voting recommendations

The 2018 General Election is approaching in less than 2 weeks. Per state law, the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor, Jilletta Jarvis, needs at least 4% for the Libertarian Party to retain ballot access. This will be difficult since Jarvis and the Libertarian candidates for Congress haves been excluded from the upcoming Granite State Debates hosted by WMUR and the Union Leader. I encourage everyone who wants to keep NH tri-partisan to vote Libertarian in the upcoming election!
Governor: Jilletta Jarvis
Congress: Justin O’Donnell
State Senate: Ian Freeman
State House Cheshire 7: Robert J Call
State House Cheshire 16: Darryl W Perry
Sheriff: AriaDiMezzo Baker
Treasurer: Kenneth Kelly III
Register of Deeds: Darlene Lester
Register of Probate: Jacqueline Mason (write-in)

Amendment 1: YES
Amendment 2: YES

Sample ballots for Keene available here:
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5

You can find your polling precinct, and a sample ballot here

NH is Cryptocurrency Mecca : Panel Discussion

Earlier this month, the 2nd annual Free State Blockchain Digital Assets Conference took place in Portsmouth. The event was a success, intimate and informative. In addition to broadcasting my radio show, Free Talk Live from the event, I was also given the privilege of moderating a very important panel which we called “NH is Crypto Mecca“.

Any Bitcoin conference can have big names in the industry come speak, but only this conference could have this panel. As longtime readers here know, New Hampshire is a special place due to our global lead in real-life cryptocurrency acceptance. The reason is because of the concentration of libertarian crypto activists we have here that are doing the boots-on-the-ground work to make amazing thing happen here, thanks to the ongoing NH Freedom Migration.

For my expert activist panelists I selected Chris Rietmann of the new Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire, and my fellow Free Keene bloggers Darryl W Perry and Derrick J Freeman, so we had activists representing both of NH’s crypto hotspots, Keene and Portsmouth. The guys did an amazing panel and I think it gives an excellent taste of what it’s like to be here in Crypto Mecca. You can watch the full hour-long panel here:

Helping the Developmentally Disabled: Why Libertarian Solutions are the Most Compassionate

Monadnock Developmental Services Logo

Monadnock Developmental Services Logo

Yesterday evening I was invited along with other Libertarian candidates Darryl W Perry and Jilletta Jarvis to Monadnock Developmental Services for a presentation to political candidates about the frustrations that families with children who have developmental disabilities have with state “assistance” programs. Multiple family members presented their difficult stories to a couple dozen state reps and candidates for office.

I didn’t feel like I was asked there to comment, so I was there just to listen. However afterwards Darryl and I returned to the Keene-based studio of LRN.FM, the Liberty Radio Network, where we were joined by Conan Salada for our live nightly libertarian talk show, Free Talk Live, where we discussed the issues raised in great detail.

If you want, compassionate solutions to healthcare issues that don’t rely on institutionalized violence, you really need to listen to the first hour of last night’s Free Talk Live to find out why Libertarianism and the non-aggression principle is the best way to help our neighbors in need. Here’s the archive: