We need your help!

As you may be aware, Free Keene has been advertising on the Ridley Report. The Ridley Report is targeted to pro-liberty viewers, many who are activists here in New Hampshire or are planning to or considering moving to New Hampshire. It’s an ideal venue for recruiting new movers to the Keene area. In fact, I’ve just paid Dave Ridley to keep Free Keene ads on through the end of the year. That’s good news, but the bad news it we just don’t have much left over to spend on anything else.

Right now, only a handful of people regularly contribute to Free Keene. If you enjoy the content posted here and the pro-liberty activism going on in the Keene area, would you be willing to contribute three dollars a month to help us out?

Please visit contribute.freekeene.com and thank you for reading (and hopefully supporting) Free Keene.

Also, please don’t forget to visit our brand new Forum!

Notice to All Keene Area Government People

Keene’s government people are hereby put on notice:

Everything you know is about to change. As each month goes by, more liberty loving activists will be moving into the Keene area. Please understand that voluntary interaction in a free market is the most humane method of interaction for mankind. These ideas of liberty are powerful and infectious. As our concentration and influence build, our ideas will become popular. Your government corporation will lose its most precious element of legitimacy as more and more people choose to ignore your dictates and live as free men and women.

Enjoy your coercive reign of the people in Keene while it lasts. I expect you’ll find your power over others diminishing over time, hopefully sooner rather than later, but I want to assure you that it is going to happen. Therefore, you should start thinking about products or services that you can offer into the marketplace on a voluntary basis, just like the rest of us peaceful people.

As a little taste of what is coming, here’s an what just one Keene-bound activist is doing down in his current home of Texas. Sam from the Obscured Truth Network will be arriving here sometime before the end of this year:

Discuss on the Free Keene Forum!

Olympic Caliber Haze

An Olympic caliber haze has China looking to enact more drastic measures to clean up the cloud of pollution in Beijing’s skies. This article goes on to say, “Pollution has been a pressing concern for the Games, as local organizers have promised to hold a ‘Green Olympics,’ despite the air that often ranks among the most polluted in the world.”

I hope that the conditions remain as bad as they are to show the world the truth of everyday Beijing.

I am aware this has little to do with Keene but it speaks to a larger point about how this one current distraction being pawned off on the vapid TV viewing masses is so utterly absurd.

Don’t worry about the wars in the Mideast, we need to fix the planet first.

The environment strikes back.

“The tornado that hit central New Hampshire Thursday traveled 40 miles through 11 towns, creating a swath of destruction a third of a mile wide in some areas, and lifting off the ground to skip over others, …”

“Tropical Storm Dolly continued to strengthen slightly early Tuesday as it moved over the warm waters of the western Gulf of Mexico towards the Texas-Mexico border… “