The Enigma that is KPD Sgt. and Prosecutor Eli Rivera

RiveraThanks to Carlos Miller for uncovering this story about Keene PD’s Sgt. and prosecutor Eli Rivera. As you can see in the article, Rivera’s license plate says “PEACE”. However, in his job as prosecutor he regularly destroys the peaceful lives of individuals who have not harmed another person or their property. The article also says he has worked “to ensure law enforcement was viewed as a partner, not an adversary.” If police were our partners, for example, our friends and family members would not be being imprisoned for possessing plant matter or other chemicals. Drivers would be allowed to use their good judgment instead of being harassed and ticketed for speeding or not coming to a complete stop. People would be free to live their lives as they wish as long as they don’t harm others. The voluntary society wouldn’t be utopia, but there would be a lot more peace than there is today, where the police are the adversary of freedom. They could choose to behave differently. In private conversations some have admitted they would like to do the right thing, but they are scared they might lose their jobs, because those higher ranking than them are not interested in peace. They want more conflict, because conflict fills their jails and prisons and fills state coffers with fines extracted mostly from lower-income victims of the oppressive police state.

In the interests of promoting peace, I invited Rivera out for coffee and he accepted. Then, he canceled and never rescheduled. When I recently encountered him in person and asked when he’d let me take him out, he said “When all of this is over”, referring to the prosecutions of liberty activists here in Keene.

Eli, please stop prosecuting peaceful people. That would make Keene the most peaceful place on earth, and the police would start getting respect from people again, since they would only be going after people who do harm. Doesn’t that make sense?

UPDATE: More about Eli here on

Government Marriage Sucks

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So a gay marriage bill was passed by the house and the senate. It’s up to the governor now and New Hampshire could be the next state government to grant permission for two individuals to partake of a contract between them that’s really no one else’s business. Good news, I suppose. As long as the government is involved, they shouldn’t discriminate. But I hold to what I’ve said for some time now. Even if I were heterosexual, I wouldn’t touch a government marriage with a ten foot pole.

A medical marijuana bill is also now awaiting the governor. Also good news, though it’s yet another personal matter they should never have butted into in the first place.

Sam Coverage Expands: Carlos Miller, LRC, Nolan Chart

The heroic photojournalist Carlos Miller (who himself was arrested for photographing the police in public) has blogged about Sam’s arrest and imprisonment, Andrew Carroll, as well as the Free State Project and more. I’m sending him a donation for his legal defense fund.

Yesterday,’s Manuel Lora also blogged about Sam’s situation. Plus,’s Steven McDuffie has also covered the situation in a popular article. Thank you, Manuel and Steven.

If your favorite blog or news organization hasn’t covered Sam yet, please encourage them to do so!

Sam Update: Guard Confiscating Food / Sweltering Heat

I have finally spoken with Sam. Turns out my upstairs phone was off the hook slightly for three days, which is why I’d not heard from him. He is still on a hunger strike. He had been trading his food for things like stamps until recently. A new jail guard handing out food would ask Sam if he was going to eat it and when Sam said no, the guard would deny and is denying Sam the food.

Also, the jailers apparently don’t turn on the air conditioning until June, so the inmates suffered in sweltering heat in the upstairs facility these past few days, and that will only get worse over this next month. More adventures coming in his blog posts here at and also Sam is expected to call in on tonight’s Free Talk Live.

Sam has requested that those sending books should send them to the jail library and is very appreciative of all the letters he’s receiving through

Medical Pot Bill Passes Senate – Action Item

PotA little good news in a sea of tyranny, from MPP:

The New Hampshire Senate just voted 14-10 in favor of HB 648, the medical marijuana bill. New Hampshire is now very close to becoming the 14th state to stop arresting patients for using medical marijuana with their doctors’ recommendations.

Gov. John Lynch (D) has expressed concerns about the bill and it is vital that he hear that Granite Staters support protecting patients.

If you’d like to call Lynch’s office and tell the secretary to ask him to support the medical marijuana bill, the number is 271-2121.