Sam’s Jail Blog: Thursday, April 30

Thursday, April 30:

I finished an excellent book on storytelling and the steps involved in scriptwriting. I’ve already put my mind to work crafting a story with the intention of educating and enlightening the masses to the idea of liberty. Imagine if a movie, inside of an hour, could let people see the chains of government that enslave them, with the purpose of harvesting their labor. I’m really excited about the possibilities.

Another great development in my case today…the state sent an order saying they believe they have figured out who I am. Burke is agin misrepresenting the facts saying the booking process at KPD was “aborted” because I continued letting them identify me as John Doe, when in fact, that was the understanding beforehand. It continued by saying the address I provided “turned out to be a United Parcel Service mailbox in Keene.” Again, that was made perfectly clear to them when I provided the address.

The police prosecutor and arresting officer, Eliezer Rivera, has apparently asked the court to let me come back and process as who they think I am, so I may be released. it’s interesting, they seem to be wanting me out of jail. It seems like the growing press attention is having an effect.

Burke’s order continues:

“Should the defendant decide he is willing to provide true and accurate identifying information about himself — the kind of information any other defendant is expected to provide — and is willing to accept the conditions of bail, the court will schedule a video arraignment as soon as possible thereafter.”

What’s interesting is his use of the term “expected to provide” instead of say…lawfully required to provide. Apparently Burke believes me to be his slave, subject to the “expectations” of the “state” and its agents. Can there be a better example of the hypocrisy of these same people who claim, “It’s the law!”? It appears that’s just what they tell themselves to justify their actions. Make no mistake,

this is about control.

Burke’s order continues:

“Until then the court is unwilling to schedule a trial date. While the prospect of the defendant’s indefinite confinement is distasteful, the court reiterates, however, that the defendant holds the key to his release.”

Distasteful, Mr. Burke? How about illegal and unconstitutional even by “enemy combatant” standards? If you’re not outraged by a judge with the gall to enter an order like this into the record, I ask you what will it take?

What you may not know, is that a write of Habeas Corpus was filed with their N.H. Supreme Court yesterday presenting exactly these issues. Their Supreme Court has 3 days to respond.

The state now has a big problem that Mr. Burke hopes he can make go away by releasing me before the 3 days are up; in which case, their Supreme Court could dismiss the writ, and make this all go away.

However, come Monday, their Supreme Court will have to do one of two things: Deny the writ, and show the world that not even a shred of honor, dignity, respect for human rights or the rule of law remains in their system; or approve the write, uphold their laws, and release me from jail. Setting a precedent in the process, that allows liberty activists to refuse providing a name, social security number, home address, physical characteristics and countless other things they ask, but defendants have no lawful requirement to provide. (not to mention exposing Burke and his courthouse cronies for the out of control tyrants they have become)

The state has already lost, and now they are beginning to realize it. This is the true power of civil disobedience. This is why I sit contently in their cages sacrificing all that I have. I am but one man standing in the face of a seemingly insurmountable system, standing for change. It’s clear to me now how quickly they grow out of control, given what it takes to reign them back in. I am but one man taking a stand. What happens when I am joined by 5? 15? 50? nd one day 5,000?

Soon they will understand we are best left alone, for what you resist, only persists, and what they resist is an idea. An idea which cannot be extinguished. Their attempts have only served to spread the idea far and wide. Keene is taking the next few baby steps in mankind’s evolutions towards a voluntary society.

Meanwhile my hunger strike continues. I’m down to 160, and the doctors now check me twice a week. Tonight they game 1/2 of us haricuts. It’s amazing how things seem to get fixed after I talk about them on the radio. Thank you all for the support, and please keep telling others what’s happening here.

In peace,


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