DC Dance Party Success

Not all of yesterday’s activism news was bad. The third DC Jefferson Memorial Dance Party was a tremendous success with hundreds attending and dozens dancing. Police did not make arrests and the dancers were unmolested for a solid fifteen minutes. Finally, the police did make a move and shut down the entire memorial, moving the people, like cattle, out of the area. Some have critiqued the activists for not staying put, but I still say this was a win. Most people are just not ready to be arrested, and I don’t blame them for obeying and leaving. Even for those pros like FK’s Meg McLain, who was in attendance, why get arrested in DC? What’s the point? It’s not like things will change there. Besides, how long does one have to dance to have won? Fifteen minutes is a lot of dancing, and a lot more than last week. Adam Kokesh is right – the state blinked on this one.

Here’s the video, courtesy America’s most liberty-friendly TV news network, RT:

Here’s one from Reason.TV:

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