Did you see the recent MSFI committee meeting in city hall? Here’s the video and the minutes. Allow me to direct your attention to page 11 of the minutes where a very interesting and revealing conversation takes place between city attorney Thom Mullins and councilor Phil Jones.
In it, the committee members are looking at their options to do something about the synthetic drugs. The attorney proposed a resolution or an ordinance, but admits the ordinance would be subject to challenge in the criminal courts as it is likely unconstitutional. The constitution is treated as though it’s an annoyance, but ultimately Mullins is asked by Jones that if they were to outlaw the chemicals via illegal ordinance, wouldn’t that deter challenges due to people not wanting to go through court? Mullins affirms it would deter challenges and points out that no municipality in NH has yet had such a challenge. However, he reveals, it could present a liability issue.
This entire portion of the minutes is a perfect example of what I’ve said for a long time – the government people do whatever they want and hope they don’t get called on it in court. The court system is ponderously slow and also intimidating, so the various illegal ordinances and statutes that are passed by these control-freaks are never challenged – and they know it. They know you won’t challenge their laws, because you are too busy or too poor. They know you’ll just keep on paying for their illegal actions, because you are too frightened they will take your family from your home or possibly put you in a cage.
I understand the fear and I don’t blame you. Please consider though, when will they have gone too far? How many things must they outlaw? How many behaviors must they control? How many businesses must they regulate into the ground before you stand up and say “enough!”?
This is not unique to Keene. The government people do this everywhere. They don’t give a shit about the constitution, despite swearing an oath to it. Why should you give a shit about them? What allegiance do you owe them?
The other interesting thing about the minutes is the testimony where parents and police both say they wish their kids were using real cannabis instead of the synthetic stuff, yet no one has proposed an ordinance or resolution legalizing cannabis as the solution to this synthetic product’s popularity. The conversation only focuses around how to control others. Sad.