Superior Court Hearing on Naughty Bailiff Behavior

teboFor years, activists have faced countless threats, intimidation, discrimination, ignorance, misinterpretation of judges’ orders, and various other episodes of malfeasance on the part of the bailiffs at Cheshire “superior” court. The quotes are around “superior” because their operation is clearly not. Though Keene district court’s security has had a bad apple or two over the years (longtime district court badge-heavy Ron Dusavitch has moved to superior court), their bailiffs are generally well-mannered compared to superior court’s squad of angry old men.

hearing_superiorRecently, Judge John C. Kissinger granted my motion for a hearing on the bailiffs’ constantly bad behavior. Kissinger thus far has proven to be a more reasonable judge than his predecessor, John P. Arnold, who was the definition of a petty tyrant. Kissinger has not restricted t-shirts with messages, has not threatened anyone over not standing, has not restricted physical camera operation by media in the courtroom, and has allowed more than one cameraman. He’s not by any means the best he could be, after all he still sentenced Rich Paul to jail, but he does not come off as petty as Arnold. He has smiled a number of times during various hearings, a possible indicator of the human being beneath the robe.

Here’s the video from the hearing today, thanks to Chris Cantwell:

The bailiffs were on their best behavior today, interestingly. (more…)

Questions for the NH Supreme Court

In search of answers from the NH “justice” system on the camera ban in the 2nd floor lobby, which applies to everyone, except the state, main stream media, and important bureaucrats, I’ve drafted a writing. I ask about the supposed investigation into the assault and resulting damage to my camera by the CSO’s. Jordan Hazy, supervisor over all the court security officers,  has hung up on me and refuses to return phone calls. So our latest attempt is with Laura, the spokesperson for the Supreme court.

Hi Laura,

In our conversation on September 8th, you agreed respond with answers around the 10th.

I haven’t seen an answer to the questions we discussed, and I wanted to follow up to see what progress has been made. When can I expect answers the questions per our phone conversation:

1) Related to the Nashua District Court incident on or around August 3rd,

a.) Can CSO’s arbitrarily close public sections of the court house?

b.) Where are CSO’s granted the authority to close down public areas of the court house in a non-emergency situation?

c.) Is the local Police department under the authority of the CSO’s while in the court house?

2) Related to the Keene District Court and CSO Dwane Dehotman’s (sp) actions on April 26th, 2010, which resulted in the $130 in damages to my camera outlined here:

a.) What is the status of this investigation?

b.) Is it normal to not contact the victim or return phone calls in an investigation?

c.) Who do I contact about compensation for the damage willfully caused by your agents?

3) Related to the assault and disarming of Rich Paul recently in the 2nd Floor common area of the Keene City Hall. Here’s KPD’s log of the event: (more…)