Keene CopWatch Makes Front Page

An article in the Keene Sentinel on Sunday, 06-08, reports on the recent CopWatch activities and discussions:

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See the article online.

Mr. Bantz does a pretty good job at summarizing what’s gone on to this point. It may be hard for people in this community to understand why it’s a “surprise” that the police were welcoming to the cameras. Just this week, news came out of a videographer taking news footage being taken down by an officer that just didn’t want to be recorded.

Copwatch isn’t about being aggressive. Aggression and force starts by the police when the blue lights turn on behind somebody. We just want to be there so that the officer involved knows everything he does must be able to stand up to scrutiny. There are police agencies just states and cities away from us that take questions and cameras as threats and challenges to their authority, and they don’t respond well to them. It’s great that Keene officers are open for the most part, and Copwatch is about making sure we’ll see it if they go down the road toward corruption.

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