8 years and a new face

Obama, President Elect Obama.  I’m not surprised.

The old puppet is old.

Time for a new one and this time its the face on the other side of the coin.  If you have been watching the reactions to this election you will find a great many people around the world are happy besides those in the U. S.

This monster that has been destroying the world while choking it’s own life is now a good friend who simply went astray…

The government preformed it’s 4/8 year ritual and said, “I’m sorry.”  And we the people forgave it, like we always do.

I wish to state for clarity that I congradulate Obama on such a victory and sincerely hope that he does much better than W.  History.  You have probably seen and heard enough about the historical implications.  I am happy that this moment has finally come to pass.

That just adds to the fairytale element of this “Cinderella Story”.  The cold hard truth is that we still have a war machine gone awry for a country with a poisoned financial system.

What is interesting to watch here is how a man becomes the scape goat for an institution.  As much as I dislike W, he didn’t act alone to make these evils come to pass.  He had many people in many areas of government helping him.  Congress, Judicial system, Enforcement agencies and many more.

“We were just doing our job.”

Right, whatever helps you sleep.

There will be change, how much and what kind?  I can’t say.  We the People will forgive the government for its sins when Obama takes office.  Nothing like a different hand in a bloody, oil stained glove and a new face on TV.

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