“We Will Record”

That is what NH Free poster J’raxis 270145 promises to do if a certain bill does not pass the NH Congress, and he gets the pledge of 9 other activists. HB312 (2009) gives specific permission for citizens to video and audio record police officers if they’ve given notification. No consent is required. However, signers of the pledge promise to record public officials in defiance if the bill does not pass.

The legality of audio recording a public official has long been debated, and when pressured, officers have not pressed charges. However, Cooper Travis was handcuffed for recording an officer when asked to stop, but he was released with no charges filed. Dave Ridley often refuses to turn off his camera, and is yet to be arrested for doing so. New mover Sam Dodson also has experience recording officers, and has had some experiences with the Keene court bailiffs regarding cameras as well.

I have also signed the pledge, so to the KPD, if you see a guy in an orange hoodie standing pointing a video camera at you while you have someone pulled over, or in handcuffs, that’s me.

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