Sam Update: Finally Booked by KPD

SamJust got off the phone with Sam. He’ll call tonight’s Free Talk Live with details, but yesterday Ivy filed a writ of Habeas Corpus with the superior court and now today all-of-a-sudden Sam is brought down to the Keene Police Department and fingerprinted and photographed as John Doe. Prior to this the judge had said nothing would happen until Sam gave his “legal” name. Did an order come down from the higher court?

Ivy has been a huge help in all of this. She has dedicated a tremendous amount of time and effort toward helping Sam, (and by proxy, all of us) and has done it for peanuts. Please consider showing your appreciation for her efforts by paypaling her at Ivy at

Also, Mike Barskey has done amazing work with, the website that allows you to easily send mail to imprisoned activists like Sam. Sam told me that nearly every piece of mail he has received has come through Mail-to-Jail! Please visit the site and consider sending Mike a contribution to help him pay for stamps and envelopes. (Look for the links in the right column.)

As always, the absolute latest on Sam is on the Free Keene Forum, which by the way just hit over 300 members and over 6500 posts! Also, take a look at the Free Keene Calendar from November 2008 and compare it with April 2009! It’s a great example of the growth in activists we’ve had recently. When are you moving to Keene?

Now you can subscribe to Free Keene via email!

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