Hypocrisy By Government Agents

You can tell when someone uses steroids.  I know several police officers who have used them and know some who probably still do so today.

I know several police officers who are lucky they were never caught committing various victimless drug felonies when they were younger adults.  If they had been caught and prosecuted (like the people they continue to advocate catching and prosecuting today) they would have been felons with a lifetime federal gun possession ban.  In other words, they never would be where they are today.  How quickly people develop amnesia and a lack of compassion for people who do the same victimless things that they’ve done.

I find particularly amusing that some of these same officers who have committed drug felonies are some of the same individuals who were so critical of me speaking out against the injustices of the drug war.  Logic: They were upset that I advocate(d) for people like them.  I digress.

It seems that a state correctional officer (you know, someone who keeps people locked in a cage for various victimless crimes…  like drug possession) who previously had been found to have violated a prisoners rights has been indicted by a grand jury for possession of steroids.

In October, Kevin Valenti, along with Sgt. Michael Erdmark, each were ordered to pay a former prisoner $40,000 after a federal jury found they violated his Eighth Amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment. The court also ruled the state should pay his legal fees that totaled nearly $30,000.

Cheever alleged he was handcuffed, assaulted and repeatedly hit in the torso and ribs and knocked out when his head was slammed against a wall. He also alleged the guards strapped him naked to a “flat chair.”

Everyone knows (or should know) that steroids and growth hormones make people more aggressive.  Shouldn’t that be a concern in a profession that has a monopoly on (and relies on) violence?  Some of the biggest bullies I have ever met are law enforcement officers.  Precisely the type of people you want with this type of authority.

I know police officers who have violated drug laws.

I know police officers who have children who have violated the drug laws.

None of them (even the most hypocritical ones) deserve to be criminals for it.

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