After three weeks of being jailed for not filling out a court form, then ultimately for being morally opposed to paying money to aggressors, Jim Johnson is among the semi-free again!
Generous people donated to Jim’s wife Lauren Canario, and she and Jim made the choice to pay the ransom. It is good to have Jim out of the cage, and outrageous that he was put there in the first place. The man in the robe, in an “ORDER”, claims he doesn’t have “statutory authority” to instead of a fine, impose jail time at $50/day, or community service. (See that ORDER, as well as the original one that Jim was imprisoned on here.
Can the robed man, John P. Arnold, be held responsible? Word is that some activists are pursuing the new “grievance committee” option in Concord against both Keene judges, Arnold and Burke. How successful it will be is another question. JJ and I also put in a message with John Lynch, “the governor”, who is the man who appoints all the judges. Thus far, he has not called back.
Other shenanigans related to this case:
The hearing where John P. Arnold threw Jim Johnson back in a cage was about as secret as you can get. Probably in an attempt to avoid video capture like happened last time, the agents held Jim’s hearing for filling out the form they were demanding of him on Monday morning. This AFTER I called Friday, ten minutes before the court closed, to inquire about whether a hearing had been scheduled, and I was told it had not.
Plus, Dale went to go visit Jim at the Cheshire jail and was kicked off the property by guards claiming he and the rest of the “Trespassive Twelve” are still banned, even though their no trespass order was only for a year and expired in June. (This despite the fact that both Dale and I successfully visited Jim the week prior!) More clear evidence that they can do whatever they want. Essentially, they are saying to Lauren (and the rest of us), “You can’t visit the jail you pay to keep running, for as long as we say! Now pay up!”