More City Council Election Suggestions

Tomorrow you can vote for five at-large city councilors. Will’s last blog post (which also has voting instructions and details) suggested Steve Lindsey, which I think is a good choice. Also, I reached out to as many candidates as I could in a short time, as I have been loaded with stuff to do since getting out of jail. I had a series of questions that I invited them to answer, which will appear below.

In addition to Steve Lindsey, I’d recommend voting for Robert Sutherland (scored a 90/90 on the World’s Smallest Political Quiz), Heika Courser (also scored Libertarian), Joe Bendzinski, and Dorrie O’Meara. These candidates are mostly new faces for the city council (Bendzinski is a former councilor who made a name for himself by voting no on things.) and friendly to the liberty community.

Here are Robert Sutherland’s answers to the Candidate Survey I sent:

1. What does liberty mean to you?

To me, liberty is the ability and right to self-govern. As a society through the years, we have increasingly accepted a level of governance that was believed to be acceptable by many in order to benefit our greater society within reason. Over time, our government has often taken unto itself the decision to expand that authority to transgress beyond reason.

2. Is Keene’s government too big, too small, or just the right size?

Keene’s government is too large and I welcome anyone to download the City of Keene’s Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Projects Plan to see for themselves where million of dollars are wasted.

3. Do you support NH seceding from the United States?

Not yet. Secession is an option within our Constitution and should remain a consideration. I believe secession would complicate the current economic advantage we currently have over the rest of the region and therefore face widespread opposition. However I can see that the current state and forward expansion of our federal bureaucracy could lead to such a movement increasing in popularity.

4. Would you vote to “tax sale” (steal) someone’s home who couldn’t for moral or financial reasons pay property taxes?

I do not believe a tax sale is ideal and indicates the poor health of an economy, often an effect due to government regulation and spending. However, property owners enter into an agreement to purchase a property knowing well that it will be subjected to taxes and the associated risks of not paying taxes. New Hampshire offers a variety of towns with a variety of tax rates to choose from if you wish to own real estate and pay lower taxes.

5. The Keene jail is littered with people who have been arrested for drug or driving “crimes” that have no victim. Would you support ordering the police chief to stop enforcing these bad laws so they can focus on real dangerous criminals and free up jail space? Please explain your answer.

My perception (based on first and second hand accounts) is that police are not looking for trouble, versus those being arrested provoking the arrest and leading the police to enforce the laws. We have local, county and state government to add, remove or alter laws. I encourage anyone wanting to change laws they deem stupid to get involved and change the laws. Provoking arrest will not remove laws.

6. What are some key areas and issues that you will work on to increase the liberty of all people in Keene?

My run for Councilor At-Large position is focused on cutting or avoiding unnecessary spending and regulations. I seek to help the City set lower spending goals and work to meet those goals.

7. Keene has some of the highest taxes in the state, what would you do to lower our taxes?

To my knowledge, I am one of very few running for local government that are campaigning on issues that include lower taxes. Through the years, I have aggressively targeted certain spending proposals that have either been shelved or (hopefully) canceled. There are several opportunities for lower spending, here are just a few:

Leverage technology to lower tax and fees collection costs
Outsource technology activities to reduce expenditure
Reduce costly beautification projects and invite civic groups, garden clubs, etc. to participate in beautification and maintenance projects
Determine cost/benefit of city activities (ex, scanning all city clerk documents, the recording, storage and streaming costs of city meetings)
Stop building out sidewalks and granite curbing without a citywide plan for restricted infrastructure and flood impact analysis (we are forcing millions of additional gallons of runoff into the rivers and streams, thereby exacerbating the flooding situation
Terminate the accumulation of sick, vacation or personal time for city employees – institute a use it or lose it policy
Relieve the Keene Police from traffic duty assignments at city project construction sites – there is no need for taxpayers to hire more police if they aren’t wasting time at construction sites. These services should be subject to an open bid process by third-parties. We should not be adding to hourly wages and pensions for lowly flagging services at top pay.
Lease airport land for third-party investment and development of T-Hangars. The City wishes to build and lease T-Hangar parking for wealthy plane owners while we still await a decent parking garage for the benefit of businesses downtown.
Sell city properties wherever possible – auction the old public works land to put it back on the tax rolls.
Sell the city property relative to the news stand and transportation center for proper investment and business development
Set actual goals to spend less – there should be no more “found money” used for unplanned capital expenses (like the new North Bridge)
Set a goal (maybe ten years) to pay off all debt.

8. Will you sign the Small Government Pledge? ( )

I agree with about 99% of this, but will not sign because of its absolute limitations. The limitation is that if I support a parking garage, that would increase spending because the City has poorly managed the parking budget – it should have been paid for. Otherwise, I can pledge that my overall position is in line with adjusting priorities in order to reduce or avoid spending and outsource activities to lower the tax burden, particularly non-social services. We spend so much in this city on the built environment and non-beneficial services (like tax collection costs) and yet struggle to provide aid to those that require a helping hand.

9. What is your score on the World’s Smallest Political Quiz? ( )

My score is Personal – 90% and Economic 90%. We have dangerous and addictive drugs in our society that are immensely costly both socially and fiscally toward the family – and the greater society. I believe that a pure libertarian view would deny those people government help. I also oppose the legalization of marijuana for taxable purposes. It hands more authority to the government to spend money and regulate individuals and businesses. I believe in trade policies that are mirrored by our trade nations – no barriers for import of their goods and services as long as there is no barrier for export of our goods and services.

Here are Heika’s answers:

1. What does liberty mean to you?
Liberty to me is the right to do as one wishes as long as there is no harm to others or their property.

2. Is Keene’s government too big, too small, or just the right size?
I think it is a little too big!

3. Do you support NH seceding from the United States?
If it were to be seriously considered, I think NH would be a-ok without national government. I’m not in support, but I wouldn’t oppose it either.

4. Would you vote to “tax sale” (steal) someone’s home who couldn’t for moral or financial reasons pay property taxes?
I do not support property taxes whatsoever.

5. The Keene jail is littered with people who have been arrested for drug or driving “crimes” that have no victim. Would you support ordering the police chief to stop enforcing these bad laws so they can focus on real dangerous criminals and free up jail space? Please explain your answer.
I think the jail is one of taxpayer’s biggest problems. Victimless crimes do not constitute jail time in my opinion. Save the jail for those actually doing harm!

6. What are some key areas and issues that you will work on to increase the liberty of all people in Keene?
I would like to spend some time going through ordinances and reversing the ones that don’t do anything but put restrictions on townspeople’s freedoms. I would also be active in attempting to downsize the police force, and being more picky as to who sits in the jail.

7. Keene has some of the highest taxes in the state, what would you do to lower our taxes?
See above.

8. Will you sign the Small Government Pledge? ( )

9. What is your score on the World’s Smallest Political Quiz? ( )

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