Updated for 2012: 130+ Reasons to Move, Keene 411, Shire Society

As we approach the final week of 2011, I have a few announcements regarding some important changes for 2012 that have already been implemented.

Redistricting committee throws Keene a curveball

I wrote about the redistricting of Keene state representative districts last month– Redistricting committee leaves Keene in suspense. The suspense has now ended, and the results caught many people (including myself) by surprise.

Right now Keene has seven state representatives, all representing the entire city of Keene. In the earlier blog, I wrongly predicted that, after redistricting, each of Keene’s 5 wards would have its own state representative, due to a constitutional amendment which took effect in 2006. As it turns out, it was basically impossible to fulfill the requirements of that amendment while also satisfying federal restrictions. Federal law supersedes state law, so the New Hampshire constitutional amendment was ignored in some cases.

Wards 1, 4, and 5 will each have their own representatives. Wards 2 and 3, along with Roxbury, will share two representatives, and all of Keene, plus Roxbury, will elect two at-large representatives.

You can see the map for Cheshire County below: (more…)

Drinking Game Called “Disruptive”, “Inappropriate” – City Refuses to Apologize

Not a BeerIf you’ve been reading this blog for the last year-or-so, you probably know I and other activists were arrested at a city council meeting last year for playing a drinking game, quietly, with brown bottles mostly filled with water.

Over a year post-the-arrests, they dropped my charges – a tacit admission that the arrests were wrongful. Rather than do as many have suggested and sue, I merely asked, in writing, for an apology. I didn’t expect one, but I did get an amusing refusal letter from the city attorney, which I will share with you below.

The people calling themselves “the city of Keene” have an attorney on staff named Thom Mullins. Thom told me prior to receiving this letter that they wouldn’t apologize because according to him, even though I couldn’t be prosecuted for anything didn’t mean I should have been allowed to stay in their meeting. My real crime all along had been to not take them seriously. The government people can’t have us little people poking fun at them (even if silently) in creative ways. Had we stood in there with signs, we’d have been alright, because people have always done that sort of protest over the years. Drinking in unison from brown bottles however? They see it as a slap to the precious legitimacy of their system. (more…)

More Hampster Wheels from Burke

When my application for a concealed carry license was denied by the Keene PD last week, I went to the police station to have a conversation with Mr. Goodman, the man who sent the denial notice. I was told that he was away, and that my only available option is to appeal the decision. I filed for an appeal, which resulted in the scheduling of a hearing. Today I had that hearing.

I was prepared with questions for Mr. Goodman, copies of all relevant documents, my finest suit: I was sharp and ready for justice. When will I learn?

The hearing lasted all of 2 minutes. Judge Burke called my name, looked over some documents, and told me that I had filed the wrong piece of magic paper. I had filed an appeal. What I needed to do, he said, was file a motion with the court and the police department to drop my bail conditions regarding possession of a firearm or ammunition. That will result in another hearing where the man in the robe will consider dropping the bail conditions he allegedly imposed on me. Then, if I am successful in getting my bail conditions regarding firearms lifted, I could file the appeal for which I came today.

Wow. I was shocked. Judge Burke apparently had a copy of some bail conditions of which I wasn’t aware? How had I not receieved a copy? Why didn’t I receive a copy in court today, if the Judge had one? Why am I, a peaceful person, being denied the natural right to choose how to defend myself? Is this really how the system works, or am I being given the runaround?

I asked if, in the interest of justice, we could just handle that issue immediately rather than waste the time of filing paperwork and rescheduling another hearing weeks away. Denied. God forbid a murderer is looking for me and I need to defend myself in the meantime. A stranger who is unrelated to me and wears a dress and whom I do not respect is making threats to me if I exercise my right to carry a gun to defend myself.

This is how the agents of the state treat me, a peaceful person who hasn’t hurt anybody, but who has been the victim of endless state aggression and threats of abducting and caging.

Jason Talley of Talley.TV recorded the hearing and the video will be posted to FreeKeene within 24 hours.

Robed Man has Two Arrested for Not Standing

ArnoldUnfortunately no video exists of the incident due to oppressive camera restrictions at Cheshire “superior” court, but this afternoon before my trial on open records access could begin, two arrests were made in the courtroom. Jason Talley of Talley.TV (and FK blogger) and Kelly Voluntaryist James were both cuffed and removed. Talley was dragged by the handcuffs out of the room, yelling in pain. All of this because when the robed man entered, about eight activists refused to stand, as always happens in any court we visit. However the robed man in this case is perhaps the most power-mad one in all of NH, John P. Arnold, who despite retiring is still a “Senior judge”, which means he can be brought back anytime. The bailiffs threatened the activists upon their remaining seated and demanded they stand or leave. No one did either, so they began targeting people separately. Eventually, most got up, and Talley was in the process of leaving when they arrested him and then Kelly, who stayed seated in protest of Talley’s arrest.

Later, the two were brought in for a “right of alocution” and were released with holiday wishes from Arnold. No, seriously. He actually told them “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holidays”. He also lectured them about having more respect for the court. He claimed that he wasn’t personally offended at their staying seated, but that it’s disrespectful to the process. After he left, out-of-control court security agent Bob Tebo tried to lecture me about respect, and I informed him that one must earn respect and that one doesn’t earn respect in my book by threatening and caging peaceful people.

For a full description and discussion of today’s events, please listen to tonight’s Free Talk Live – we spend most of the last 2/3s of the show discussing it.