Doing Time in Keene

Over the past weekend I have visited both Derrick J. Freeman and Beau Davis at the Keene Spiritual Retreat aka Cheshire Co. House of Corrections. As many of you already know, both are incarcerated for victimless crimes. Friday night I visited Derrick and in the course of our conversation Derrick relayed to me the following story: Late one night Derrick was in his cell catching up on writing letters when he happens to look over at the door and sees a correctional officer staring at him through the window in the door. This is incredibly creepy, how long was this state thug watching our sweet, handsome Derrick?  What might his intention be? Can you be safe in a place like this? These are some of the questions that went through Derrick’s mind. He also told me that he and Beau have a  new job in which they cart the various meal times to each incarceree. At the beginning and ending of each shift, both are physically patted down. Seriously? They are in a secure facility, yet handing out plates of food deems it necessary to pat them down up to 6 times a day. Later I wondered, who are the real criminals? The corrections officers that stares through the door at night and the “pat down” officers or the two lovely activists who have never hurt another person? Otherwise, both Derrick and Beau are doing well, they both have some great ideas for the future!

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