On Tuesday, March 5, Dr. David Breman, Senior Pastor at Christian Life Fellowship Church in Swanzey, verbally berated two individuals who were Robin Hooding. I believe he, as a pastor, acted in a manner that is less than Christ-like, so I decided to email him my thoughts.
Below is the entire exchange (unedited):
Dr. Berman,
I saw a video of you following some people while they were “Robin Hooding.” I must say that I believe you acted in a manner that was less than Christ-like. I felt your use of name-calling was very childish and did nothing to show the love of the Messiah.
I’d like to share a book and essay with you. The book is The Anarcho Teachings of Yeshua and the essay is A Biblical Look At Civil Disobedience.
In Peace, Freedom, Love & Liberty,
Darryl W. Perry
I find it amazing that so many believe that Christians should not fight evil. These people are harassing an American veteran who is simply doing his job. They follow him within 10 feet for hours at a time. This is not ok. If you want to stand by with your lofty do nothing to defend the defenseless mind set, that’s your choice. I will not look the other way when people are being harrassed by these anarchist thugs. You want me to write them a poem?
Dr. David M. Berman
Senior Pastor, Author.
211 Whitcomb Road
P.O. Box 10357
Swanzey, NH. 03446
Phone 603 352 9471
When did I say that “Christians should not fight evil”? I did say that you did not show the love of Christ when you approached the two men who were “Robin Hooding” and you proceeded to call them names such as “knuckleheads,” “jerks,” and “idiots.”
You mentioned a “lofty do nothing to defend the defenseless mind set” that you think I have. Who was defenseless? Surely you’re not referring to the Parking Enforcer as defenseless. You also reference that the Parking Enforcer is a veteran who is “doing his job.” Would it change your opinion of the Parking Enforcer if he were NOT a veteran? If not, why mention it?
Also, would you defend him if his job were to round up everyone who opposed war? How about if his job were to operate a gas chamber? I guess I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from, and (if/)when you believe a government official is the one perpetrating evil.
i also mentioned women meter maids they are doing the same thing to. They are both defencless because they will loose their job if they respong and defend themselves. Christ turned over the tables and whipped them until they were driven out. Jesus called the oppresive leaders vipers, white washed tombs. John the baptist called out and rebuked Herod. There is a time to rebuke and that was it. They are idiots, jerks, and abusive malcontents. Thats what they are
The tables turned over by Yeshua, were tables of business inside the Temple, Yeshua called the oppressive leaders vipers, and Herod was the ruler of the land.
The people Rodin Hooding are not the oppressors to be rebuked. The individuals stealing money under the legitimacy of government are the oppressors. I watched your video, “Tyranny is Here! Wake up america!” and it seems that you realize the federal government is corrupt, yet you don’t see the corruption at the local level, as well.
I see the corruption on every level, I support resistance, I do not support harassment of meter maids! What is wrong with you? Did Jesus harass Zacheus? Did he harass Mathew? both tax collectors. These people also hate our veterans. Did Jesus rebuke the Centurion soldier? No he said he had the most faith. I am tired of all of you Christian pansies who won’t stand up against those who harrass others, nor stand up for the babies who have been murdered. I am sick of the passive mind set. Jesus told us to try to live in peace when he said turn the other cheek. I practice that however sometimes you have to rise up to defend others. Would you have stood by durring slavery? Sometimes you have to fight for others and it is not always pretty
I speak out almost constantly against the murder, oppression, tyranny and harassment of governments at every level. I am an ardent supporter of peace and non-aggression.
You asked, “Would you have stood by during slavery?” ABSOLUTELY, I do not believe that any human has a right to claim another human as property. I would have also helped the Jews in Nazi Germany. I also speak out against the drone bombings and military actions around the world, and I speak out against the militarization of the police.
For some reason, you see me as your enemy. I am not your enemy, nor was my intent to make you mine. I simply wanted to express my feelings that your interaction with the Robin Hooders did nothing to show the love of the Messiah.
I do not believe there is anything else to be added to this conversation, and will not respond to any further emails.
let me ask you something. If you were walking by and saw a womanbeing beaten and you had to use physical aggression and harsh words to defend her would you?
Would I use retaliatory force to help a woman being assaulted? Yes, I however would not initiate force upon someone because of something that might potentially happen at some point in the future.
To ask such a question shows me that you do not understand the different between non-aggression and pacifism.
its not happening in the future it was happening when i confronted them. So at a different level you would respond with aggression. Logically you are rebuking me because you do not feel the attack on the person I defended rose to the level of my response. The olny logical difference is your opinion on the level.
The difference is: one person is being physically assaulted and needs help; the other is a government official being followed while on duty. I’m not a fan of following people with cameras, and have told the Robin Hooders how I feel about said activity. The difference is that I did not stoop to name-calling. All I’m saying is that I believe you could have handled yourself in a more professional Christ-like manner.
end of conversation
yes i know what you beleive the difference is level. You have right to your opinion