Welcome to our Newest Blogger, William Kostric of Manchester

William Kostric’s courageous activism has been featured before on this blog. He’s an activist out of Manchester and Free Keene welcomes him as our newest blogger. Here’s his bio from the Bloggers page:

William KostricWilliam Kostric – Growing weary of petty tyrants in Maricopa County, AZ, William determined to free range outside the confines of the United States. One night while researching the Iraq war, he happened upon the Free State Project forums and found that there were many like-minded individuals spread out across the continent. The idea of gathering in a localized area where a greater impact could be made struck a chord and he signed the statement of intent and made the move in 2008.
William’s current projects include Free State Now who’s goal is to complete the 20k signers before the end of 2014, The Quill – a libertarian community center in the Manchester area and working with Occupy New Hampshire to build a broad-based coalition of activists who are motivated to take local action towards measurable goals.

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