On July 9, 2014, Keene Police Chief Ken Meola sent me a letter denying my application for a Concealed Carry Permit in New Hampshire. As his reason for denial, he said I, “have had several contacts with the police for assualtive or threatening behavior.” None of my arrests disqualify me from owning a firearm, however the law allows the police to exercise discretion by denying a person “who is unsuitable”. That could mean anything!
I am an activist who runs his own peace-centric podcast twice a week and blog at PeaceNewsNow.com. I am obsessed with peace, and have never been assaultive or threatening in my life! If I can be denied because of this baseless accusation, so can you! Please donate today to pay for my attorney because this is a precedent-setting case. Can the “suitable person” clause be used to disarm peaceful activists? If I lose, the government will have even more reason to deny people their rights. If I win, the police will have to walk out of court with their tail between their legs, and they’ll think twice before denying the next activist.
I have already put up my own personal money ($2,500) as a retainer for the best lawyer in the business, Evan Nappen. He’s defended countless others and has a track record of success in cases of this type. A simple Google search of his name will show that I have chosen the right man for the job. I’m in this to win, so if you care about securing and enhancing gun rights in New Hampshire, please donate now!
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