Triumphant Return to High School Outreach

Today Ian Freeman and I went to Monadnock Regional High School in Swanzey, New Hampshire to hand out “Philosophy of Liberty” flyers to the students as they left for the busses. You may remember that this used to be a regular event for Keene activists back in 2011 and 2012. We successfully handed out dozens of flyers to students, and some even stopped us to ask a few more questions about the material and ideas. It was a successful outreach event, and I intend to continue sharing these pamphlets with curious minds. Here’s the video from today:


Monadnock Regional School Newspaper Takes Nationalist, Flag-Waving Stance

Monadnock Regional Middle and High School

Monadnock Regional Middle and High School

Monadnock Regional School has become the center of controversy recently after a heroic student refused to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Apparently singling the courageous girl out in class and attempting to pressure and embarrass her was not enough. Now the school’s newspaper has weighed into the controversy – on the side of flag-waving nationalism.

The author of the article, student Kellie Doc Gordon, excoriates the Keene Sentinel and journalist Meghan Foley, claiming Foley’s article on the pledge controversy was “biased” against the school. Of course the reality is that the only reason the article seemed one-sided was because the school bureaucrats basically refused to comment. They’re circling the wagons. All Foley got from them was the school superintendent saying they’ve dealt with the situation. No one else from the school, including the teacher in question, was willing to comment.

“The Pawprint Newsletter”, the school’s weekly propaganda rag, also included an editorial cartoon which suggests that the military is somehow risking their lives for your freedom of speech, which is demonstrably false. The military is fighting in foreign lands to uphold the commands of politicians, whose interests have nothing to do with preserving freedom and whose actions result in the further destruction of those freedoms.  The military are merely the enforcers for the military industrial complex.  Don’t believe me though, take it from a decorated Marine, Major General Smedley Butler, the author of, “War is Racket“.

Read the whole article in the school paper, here.

All Virginia Charges Dropped Against James Cleaveland

All charges from the Commonwealth of Virginia against me have been dropped.

I will write up some future posts about this incident (was awaiting outcome before writing anything) but there are a few things I would like to get out immediately:
1) The “substance” found was not Klonopin. I’m still baffled why the sheriff department was telling the people who were calling on my behalf that it was Klonopin when the officers involved in the search identified the substance during the actual search. The substance is a medicine for which I have a prescription to treat a condition I have.
2) I really appreciate all the assistance I received from the “liberty” community at large especially Virginia copblockers and Keene activists (I’ll write up a post about this later).
3) New Hampshire is honestly the “best” state in my opinion in terms of freedom (post to follow).
4) My real “sin” in my opinion was not consenting to a search of the vehicle.

Heroic Swanzey Teen Refuses to Stand for Pledge of Allegiance

Original Pledge of Allegiance Salute

Original Pledge of Allegiance Salute

Social media is on fire locally with the Keene Sentinel breaking a story about a heroic student at Monadnock Regional middle school who recently got in trouble for not standing for the socialist pledge of allegiance.

Fatima M. Smart was threatened by her teacher, Vicki Mercier, when Fatima refused to be a lemming and stand up with the rest of the class for her daily dose of mind-numbing chanting and idol-worship. Fatima is well within her rights to stay seated, and should be able to do it without being threatened or scared. If only more Americans were as brave as she, but many who otherwise would follow Fatima’s lead, will not because of fear of social pressure. In Fatima’s case, that included her teacher targeting her in an attempt to embarrass Fatima in front of her class.

Even someone who does a cursory level of research into the pledge of allegiance will learn that it’s nothing more than a pro-state indoctrination chant written by a self-proclaimed socialist. The picture on this article reveals what the old hand motion was for the pledge prior to it becoming the hand-over-the-heart – the Roman (aka Fascist) salute!

If you love freedom you should actively oppose participation in the pledge of allegiance and give Fatima your support. Don’t let the nationalists shout you down or pressure you to participate.

Her mother, Kerry A. Boscarino, says she is planning to bring a civil case against the school district, since the teacher refused to apologize for targeting her daughter for humiliation. Stay tuned here for the latest. Thanks for your courage, Fatima!