Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Trapped by Checkpoints

As Shire Dude shared last week, employees of the Manchester Police Outfit will be stopping, questioning, and potentially issuing ransoms and/or caging drivers at a suspicioness checkpoint on April 22nd.

Without question, individuals in and around Manchester have effectively Copblocked past instances of this Manchester police thuggary, and many have already expressed their intention to do the same via the Suspicionless Checkpoint Party event.

Suspicionless Checkpoint Party April 22 Manchester NH

In this video Manchester residents Rob Mathias and Cassidy Masengale detail their own motivation for participating and how such events tend to unfold.


UBER Grandma Ticketed Thrice More as Portsmouth Crackdown Begins

UBER Grandma Driver Stephanie Franz

UBER Grandma Stephanie Franz, courtesy CBS Boston

Two weeks ago, Porstmouth, NH police chief David Mara announced a coming attack against peaceful UBER drivers who are ignoring the oppressive city ordinance that basically outlaws ride-sharing. The city and its cops are running a protection racket for the existing cab companies and this weekend appears to be the first round of aggression as UBER Grandma Stephanie Franz has announced that she received two tickets for driving people home safely on Friday night.

Stephanie, who has become the face of the Free UBER movement, has now racked up six tickets for at least $5,000 seven tickets totaling $7,500 that she is taking to court soon with the help of an UBER-supplied attorney. All of this for helping people avoid getting DUIs.

She’s now not the only one. At least one other Portsmouth UBER driver reports receiving a ticket already this weekend and Saturday night is just getting started as I’m writing this.

Though Stephanie did not join UBER to become a civil disobedience superstar, she appears to have embraced her role and has even taken to task the four cowardly UBER drivers in Portsmouth who have obediently jumped through the city’s hoops and registered like good little slaves.  She wrote today in a post to the Free UBER page on facebook:

Why is it that 4 uber drivers have registered with the town of Portsmouth? Don’t you know what this is doing? Every time I’ve been pulled over, part of the statement from the officers has been why don’t you just go on and register…. 4 others already have. I have stuck my neck out for all Uber drivers in the Portsmouth area. I feel that you four have stabbed me in the back. You’re free to do what you want to do but I take offense to you
registering. I can call you something but I’m not. Just remember the next time you see me pulled over with the blue lights flashing I am taking one for all of us even you.
Just to let you other Uber drivers know, they are going to be pulling over Uber drivers tonight. I will be there anyway.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the Free UBER saga.

UPDATED: 9:30pm Eastern – Stephanie reports via facebook that she has received her third ticket this weekend, her seventh total, bringing the total fines to $7,500.

Over $5,000 Raised in 24 Hours to Replace Computers Stolen by FBI

FBI Raids LRN.FM Studio

It’s still stealing when the government does it.

Though the FBI’s early morning raid on the LRN.FM & Free Talk Live studio on Sunday did result in LRN.FM being off-air for several hours, thanks to the outpouring of support from the liberty community, we were back on the same day! Multiple people contacted me to offer their extra computers and phones and so we were able to scrounge together enough equipment to get some audio back streaming that same afternoon. My show, Free Talk Live, did not miss an episode.

LRN.FM – The Liberty Radio Network was back up to full capacity by Tuesday, with its dozens of liberty-oriented shows from around the globe airing live and via podcast around-the-clock across multiple continents via satellite and globally via internet streaming.

One of our listeners (Virgil Vaduva of Cell 411) created a GoFundMe to raise $5,000 for replacing our stolen computers and it passed its goal in 24 hours! It was an amazing show of support from our listeners and supporters in this time where the federal government has set its destructive sights on us. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed. No thanks to the local haters who fraudulently reported the GoFundMe as fraudulent, which did get it pulled down temporarily until GoFundMe could investigate and of course returned the fundraiser to online status. As usual, the haters have nothing intelligent to say and must resort to underhanded, dishonest tactics to try to harm us. Love will win in in the end.

Thank you again for your support during these most difficult days. We will continue to broadcast the message of liberty 24/7 thanks to your help. The GoFundMe has ended, but if you still want to help, please join the hundreds of FTL & LRN AMPlifiers and contribute $5 a month to our efforts.

Manchester Police Checkpoints Return

The Manchester Police Department has announced its first sobriety checkpoint of the 2016 year (4/22), continuing its tradition of revenue collection via suspicionless vehicle stops.  These ordeals have prevented nearly zero drunk drivers.  Instead, the MPD continues to harass Manchester drivers for copblock seasonvictimless crimes, such as cannabis possession, illegal immigration or driving with a suspended license.

Numerous activists have vowed to divert traffic from the upcoming checkpoints.  This activism traditionally has a fantastic turnout, and it garners widespread support in New Hampshire’s largest city.  Cheers and expressions of gratitude are heard from passing vehicles throughout the evening.  Folks walking near the activists often stop to discuss the uselessness of the checkpoints, and activists have even been handed cash tips on several occasions.

I’ll be present at this first checkpoint, livestreaming, so you can watch the event as it happens.  Bookmark this link, and it will be easy for you to tune in.  Oh, and don’t forget to grab your copblocking gear.