If achieving liberty in your lifetime is important to you and you have now found yourself with, or will very soon (if the prices keep rising) have access to more wealth than you have ever had access to, or could have imagined having, now is the time that you should seriously consider a couple of options:
Start planning your move to New Hampshire, ASAP, to join the largest concentration of liberty-minded people on earth. Many of whom are very active and having success in changing the status quo both inside and outside the system. The state is still a state, but for what it’s worth, NH’s state this year exempted crypto-only business from money transmitter statutes. Crypto-libertarians were the ones moving this legislation forward. (New Hampshire has a bunch of principled libertarians in its state house, unlike other states.)
Lots of things were already made possible just by bringing libertarians together to the same geographic area in real life, (as has been happening here for well over a decade) but now thanks to crypto, the game is set to change big time in the next five years. Besides the obvious ability to better fund political campaigns and other inside-the-system action, once the total crypto market cap goes up another 10x or 100x, outright buying existing mainstream media (TV, radio, print) should be possible, in addition to funding an army of attorneys to help crush the state in their own courts. I’m sure you can think of some cool possibilities that concentrating crypto-wealthy libertarian activists together can achieve!Thousands have already moved and are thousands more are planning to move. Here are 101 reasons why you should:
If you can’t move, please fund the New Hampshire-based libertarian activism you like with your crypto. You may not be able to move because of family or career or whatever, but if New Hampshire succeeds (and we’ve already begun) at achieving liberty, it will be a beacon to the world that freedom works. You can help that happen even without moving. Nearly every libertarian activism group/project accepts cryptocurrency in New Hampshire.
If you find activism you like happening here, please send them funding. Not everyone here was lucky or wise enough to invest in cryptocurrency as soon as you did but they all know its value now and would love to collect more of it and use it to defeat the state. If you don’t already know some great groups to which you can donate, here are a few who are the most active:
Foundation for New Hampshire Independence
Free Keene
Free State Bitcoin Shoppe
Free State Project
Free Talk Live
Libertarian Party of NH
Liberty Lobby
New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
NH Copblock
NH Jury
Pax Libertas Productions
Shire Free Church

Check out the coinmap to see the cool places you can spend cryptocurrency in real life in New Hampshire.
If you’d like to meet some of your future neighbors and others who are planning a move, please visit the Shire Forums.
Come on up and visit and bring your crypto wallet because you can actually spend your cryptocurrency in real life here. You may want to connect with the various crypto-meetup groups while you’re here. Please use the Shire Forum to reach out and let us know you’re coming up.
(This article was originally published on my Steemit blog, a website that allows content creators to earn cryptocurrency called Steem for readers’ vote-ups, instead of useless likes. Pretty neat!)