Videos of Karen’s Defeat at Ballot Law Commission + Rally Footage, Interviews

Videos are now available on Odysee covering various aspects of the rally and the Ballot Law Commission meeting yesterday where Karen Sue Steele’s challenge of the “Independent Thirteen” failed by a 5-0 vote. Karen had been trying to get the secession-friendly state reps barred from ever holding office again.

Free Keene’s video includes a speech given by the President of the Foundation for NH Independence, Alu Axelman, the full portion of the commission meeting where the BLC heard Karen’s complaint, an interview by NBC Boston with CACR 32 co-sponsor Matt Santonastaso, and the activists confronting Karen when she leaves the building:

Dave Ridley of the Ridley Report was also on-the-scene. His video contains his reporting on the events and also multiple “ambush” videos where he speaks to various politicians and bureaucrats as they enter or exit the hearing:

Karen and her handler Kathy Slade slinked away for now. What will they try next? I’m excited to see and grateful to them for providing the NH Independence movement with so much free publicity!

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I wonder if anybody will be there to stalk you with a camera when you come out of the courthouse in chains after being found guilty.


That is funny because the opposition was also holding cameras and had no problem with using violence against peaceful people.


Sounds good, although I don’t think Ian’s going to be able to hold a camera while in handcuffs.



Last edited 2 years ago by David

Why are you so confident that he’ll be found guilty?
You must have studied the case.
Ian knows the case and he seems to think it’s a winner.
Which part of the case is going to do him in?
You are probably just being like JJ: a negative Nancy


When the feds choose to prosecute a case, the overwhelming majority of the time they are successful. Even disregarding that, I know Ian. There’s no way he pays income tax, nor is he interested in following federal regulations. The dude is going to jail.


I do know he pays property tax. In NH there’s no income tax. So.. Just federal income tax I guess.. but yes on that.. though they could just do financial penalties. Because jail cost money. Financial penalties with jail hanging over his head as coercion to pay.. Could be a result. Maybe with control over him, like they do now… Like probation etc But yes .. that’s a charge that would be easy for the feds.. But like I said before: they pile up the charges, so that they can then say “look at all these charges, are you going… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by David

Karl must be showing here some of that tough love he was talking about in a previous post, eh Dave?

Lot’s of individuals/businesses/churches don’t pay income taxes… Also as I understand Bitcoin and gold/silver isn’t taxable until you liquidate/sell it. So I’m not sure why you guys are convinced Ian committed a crime here other than “because the Feds said so, so it must be true” like Karl keeps saying.


He does have income from advertising etc on his radio show.. he has lots of income that he wouldn’t have paid tax on…
I didn’t say “a crime” ..I said stuff, I think, they’d get him for

Last edited 2 years ago by David

You don’t have to file until you’ve made over $12,550 if you’re filing single. Was his personal income more than that? Or did it go back in the business? I don’t know, and I don’t think you guys know either.


Interesting, so the feds seized approximately 6 million in cash and bitcoin. You’re telling me that he paid taxes on that? Or did he earn it after working hard for 478 years at a meager wage of 12,550? lol

Ian will have his day in court to show otherwise, but come on, dude. Don’t stick your head in the sand just cause he’s on your team.


Uh huh. And here I thought many Bitcoin holders became millionaires almost overnight without having to work a single day for it. And they didn’t have to pay taxes on it until they sell or exchange it. Silly me.


You understand wrong. Bitcoin is treated as income by the IRS, and it is taxed based on the value when it was received.

It’s not just the accusation from the fed. It’s the fact that he’s dedicated his life to flouting government regulation and avoiding taxes. He more or less says so every night on FTL.


If you get Bitcoin and that sell it and make a profit from that sale, then yes that’s capitol gains. Whatever millions in Bitcoin he had may not have been a capitol gain and may have been just sitting there. Also he was in on Bitcoin long before any laws were established, so..idk how they will sort that part out. Suffice to say.. Ya there’s taxes they will want and easily justify imo I mean “easily justify” to THE COURTS SATISFACTION.. I’m not saying I think it’s justified.. My understanding is that it may have gone up 10000% but if… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by David

You’ve raised a pretty decent point, in that a good chunk of his crypto assets was likely obtained when it was worthless, which in theory should minimize his liability. It’s going to be interesting to see how they sort out which coins he got prior to his scam operation and which he earned during.


Bitcoin is treated as property by the IRS.

Flouting government regulation? Uh huh, characteristic of someone who consults a lawyer and the state banking commission first on how to operate legally.

And tax avoidance is legal. Nice word smithing though. I’m sure the prosecution will have someone very similar to you arguing the case against Ian. Kudos.


“Bitcoin is treated as property by the IRS.” Property which is taxed as income when received as payment or when mined. Of course, if you exchange FRNs for bitcoin there is no tax until it appreciates and you sell. Ian has admitted to receiving bitcoin for services, so it would be taxed as income. Glad we got that ironed out. I know he’ll bring up the scam church as an additional defense, but I think a jury will see through it. “Uh huh, characteristic of someone who consults a lawyer and the state banking commission first on how to operate… Read more »


Oh okay. So tell us again how often Ian spoke on FTL about evading taxes?


He did.. He was loud and proud about it.
That doesn’t matter that much though.


Tax evasion or tax avoidance? There’s a difference. One is legal, one isn’t.


He said he did not pay federal taxes, while receiving millions of dollars worth of bitcoin for services. It’s pretty easy to connect those dots there buddy. The feds did, which is why they added a tax evasion charge. Of course, you (and him) will bring up the fake church he created to shield himself from taxes, but the jury is going to see right through it. Didn’t we already have this conversation by the way? Where we eventually go in circles because you think nobody can ever possibly know what a church is, and therefore Ian should be good… Read more »


Ian said he received millions of dollars worth of bitcoin for services huh? Amazing. Well church stuff aside, in Nobody’s trial they were using the term “business.” So yeah business assets is a thing (even if the 1st Amendment isn’t.) So anyway since you’re so sure of the outcome and all, how much additional time do you think Ian will get? Not important… its just so if it turns out different we can remind you of that and not let you live it down and stuff. In a friendly way of course, like we do with Jumping Jacks 🙂 Well,… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Intrigare

I never said Ian said that.

Businesses have to pay taxes too. You’ll never guess what business owners can get charged with if they don’t.

I don’t know how much time he will get. That depends on the specifics of the case.


Oh, so Ian never said that. Hmmm… I hate to be repetitive and stuff, but so tell us again how often Ian spoke on FTL about evading taxes?

Am I missing something? I mean, I hope the jury won’t be as confused as I am right now. Maybe the prosecution wouldn’t want someone like you arguing the case after all 🙁

The Ghost of KM

If you can’t use basic deductive reasoning to work it out, I can’t really help you there, bub. Of course if you could think logically, you wouldn’t be a libertarian, so here we are.


Haha I did work it out… and following Dave’s lead by saying you’re talking out of your ass could have saved some time 🙂

Karl knows Ian.

Oh, and Karl? Once you’ve finished telling us all about the heinousness of Ian’s tax evasion and stuff, tell us more about this diabolical “neofeudalism” quandary we’re finding ourselves in right now. Do ya think there’s ever gonna be a happy ending and stuff for us serfs?


I’m not that worried about neofeudalism to be honest. I mean, it is the natural end result of ancap philosophy, but most people see that and therefore libertarianism will remain on the fringes of mainstream politics. Sure, you’ll get some wacko bill in now and again, but it will get voted down or overturned.

I am more worried about the rise of fascism in this country. Of course, I do hail from the shadowy organization known only as antifa, so maybe I am a bit biased.


The biggest state-worshiper I know says he’s worried about fascism. Now I’ve heard it all 🙂


That’s a pretty common take there. I’m surprised it took you long enough to encounter that opinion. Leftists and most people don’t want the state to succumb to fascism.

Last edited 2 years ago by THE GHOST OF KARL MARX
Karl's more worried about the rise of fascism.

Uh huh. So you’re all about the “fascism” now, huh? Wow. That sounds so super cool. By that ya mean everyone who disagrees with your libtard weirdo murder cult, right Karl? 😉 Speaking of fascists, have ya heard the latest skinny out of Chicago? Get this. It turns out that the small business owners there are being driven away cuz it’s a crime-infested suckhole with a libtard weirdo mayor who totally refuses to do anything about it. I guess that should come as no surprise, huh Karl? Especially after Lightfoot (Lori Lightfoot’s the mayor, by the way) victim-shamed small business… Read more »


No, not everybody who disagrees with me is a fascist.

I’m not surprised you find him handsome dressed like that. He always seemed like your type.

Karl's not surprised.

No? Well that doesn’t seem plausible, Karl. I mean your previous posts have always made it pretty clear that you think exactly that. Anyway, guess what, chicken butt? Project Veritas has dug up yet another demonic cabal of public educators who’re putting forth their best efforts to indoctrinate other people’s children with (((the message))). And they’re doing it in the skeeviest way possible and stuff. And what is it they’re doing that’s so skeevy, you ask? Glad ya asked, Karl. Turns out they’re refusing to hire members of the Catholic faith because they’re more likely to be conservatives. Pretty savvy… Read more »


And with your spirit 😉

But really, I thought Catholics these days were mostly Progressive. Since, you know, Pope Francis.

Karl totally used basic deductive reasoning.

I know, right?

My guess is that, at least with this Boland fella, if you’re Catholic, then you’re pro-life and therefore a conservative. So no soup for you!

Anyway Intrigare, you were totally right about Karl. I never should’ve tried to red pill him. All it did was make him mad and stuff.

Christ. The other day he even got ballsy and stuff and tried to blue pill me. Can you believe that, Intrigare? ME of all people. The arrogance, huh? God I wanna have his babies. 😉


No comment lol


Hmm, I’m not catching how that is antisemitic. It does violate the first amendment to make hiring decisions based off of religion though.

Even from a perspective of “liberal indoctrination” that sounds like quite the mistake to be honest. There are probably more liberal Catholics than conservative ones.

Sounds like the guy was placed on leave and will likely get fired.

Also, what was your point here, by the way? That this one-off example proves that the educators are all after your kids or something? lol

Karl's not catching how that is antisemitic.

Yup. Totally honest mistake, Karl. Everything’s totally peachy. Nothing to see here. Move along, now. Ha ha ha. Just kidding, Karl. I’m laughing with you – not at you like the rest of the guys here at Free Keene always do. So don’t get mad at me, ok? Anyway, it’s pretty clear that you libtard weirdos really are after our kids. Don’t try and deny it either, Karl, cuz Saul Alinsky pretty much spilled the beans on all of this sixty years ago. Well, Alinsky, the entire School Board of Loudoun County, Boland, and now this lovely lady. Her name’s… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Karl's not catching how that is antisemitic.

I don’t really care about your weird conspiracy theory that’s somehow but not actually anti-Semitic. Sure, we’re after your kids, and your teenagers, and your young adults, and your middle aged adults, and your old people, as if you somehow possess all these people. lol

Last edited 2 years ago by THE GHOST OF KARL MARX
Karl's after our kids.

Uh huh. Got it, Karl. Parents shouldn’t have any say in what libtard weirdos like you want to fill their kids heads with – you know, cuz it takes a village and stuff, right? God you commies are so precious. Anyway, the Jenster totally agrees with ya. Here’s how she put things in between guzzling shooters and stuffing nachos in her face: “Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, ‘Are you always going to be horrible… Read more »

Jumping Jacks

Who cares. She will try it again with a different plan of action and may win.


Now that’s what I like to see Jacks!

Richard Rowe DP

this karen if she took the real injection won’t have much time


Blocked by both the NH Free State Project and the NH Libertarian Party Twitter accounts. #FREEDUMB


Unfortunately your idiocy isn’t blocked by FreeKeene.
I’m not as libertarian as Ian in that!
So your #freedumb has free reign here.
Did you say thank you to Ian?: You aren’t blocked and you love to yammer in here.
Ian takes a libertarian view on free speech, and you aren’t

Last edited 2 years ago by David

i spread useful news for libertarians

free staters as a whole don’t take the depop shots
free staters as a whole are not smart as libtard susan bruce who believe in the “science!”

Blocked by both the NH Free State Project and the NH Libertarian Party Twitter accounts. #FREEDUMB


harry anyways i just want to spread useful info for libertarians libertarian free staters as a whole dont take teh depop shot libertarians free staters as a whole didn’t lose the war against the $1T budget for pushing convid and the depop shot free staters are very dumb, they r not as smart as susan bruce libtard who trust the “science!”, took the depop shot and pushed daisies i’m not for ukraine either. we’re looking at an industrial war right in front of our eyes and there’ll be suffering on a mass scale. winter is coming and there’s nothing to… Read more »


wayne the US governent has the largest diplomatic corp in the entire world and the best they can do is sending weapons to Ukraine? this is what armed thugs do, it’s all violence whether it’s federal thugs or your local thugs, it’s all the same. it never changes. the founding fathers were opposed to all this. they all for the people army to put down the aggressors domestic or foreign, federal or local and protect liberty. Putin is like dr. fraudci, he spoke something and did something else. putin was all for democracy just look at old videos. he’s in… Read more »


Dominic why does karen quoting a bunch of bureaucrats and put her creds on the line Article 10th of NH constituion even permits revolution by killing of the opperssors. it was the founders of NH that sid this so take it up to them, don’t kill the messenger. It’s up to people like Carl Drega to enforce article 10th . his kill ratio was good patrck henry didn’t just say kill the oppressors. he took a peaceful approach too he fought hard against the type of thugs run government we have to day. head over granite grok and read about… Read more »

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