While Robin Hooding this past Saturday in Keene, there was much Cheshire TV series crossover occuring, as Merry person Garret was joined by Black Sheep Rising producer and co-host Conan, as well as the mute miniature pinscher co-host Ji. Fans of the AKPF #1 series would be familiar with the parking enforcers who star in the program. The after-hours mature talk show, Black Sheep Rising, is well known for its mascot studio dog Jioto, or more simply known as Ji. While Ji was actively participating in Robin Hooding for most of the day, he did take a break to beg the friendly parking enforcer for treats. AKPF agent Jane satisfied his request before the impassioned young canine set back out to filling expired meters for his hominid comrades.
Cheshire TV Stars Meet in Series Crossover