Reflecting on Keenevention 2013, One Week Later

I must say, the first-ever Keenevention worked out splendidly, thanks to over 100 great attendees, speakers, volunteers, and VIPs! As promised, the conference focused on activism and our speakers consisted of Free State Project early movers and of course liberty-loving NH natives. As FSP early mover and superactivist Carla Mora expressed on the Keenevention 2013 facebook event,

This was one hell of an inspirational liberty event. It was very different from ones I have attended in the past…we are doing something right if we are surrounded by these people.

1380660_245553415599436_919297990_n[1]One attendee told me that he’d never seen such in-depth panels. Our activist speakers and panelists were outstanding, interesting, and informative. Jay Freeville said Keenevention was the,

First liberty convention I’ve ever been to where I’ve actually wanted to go to more speakers/panels because they were consistently interesting enough to hold my attention!

In addition, Keenevention was intimate, but yet still large enough to be diverse with people attending from as far away as Wisconsin, Canada, Ohio, and Virgina. The over 100 Keeneventioneers not only watched great speeches and panels, but also conversed, dined together on-the-town, and participated in various activism and social activities. You can the rest of this post via the full article at!

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