In Concord this week, a bill that would make concealed carry of a gun legal without a license was heard by the state house criminal justice committee. It’s already passed the NH senate and if it makes it through the state house and governor it will make New Hampshire as free as its neighbor Vermont, in the area of gun freedom. The room was packed with supporters of freedom and also held a few fearmongering moms. Keene liberty activists spoke out in favor:
Darryl W. Perry:
Chris Cantwell:
Ian Freeman:
On the same day, a bill to create a study committee that will consider rejecting further militarization of the police was heard by a senate committee. (This bill already passed the house.) Here’s Chris’ summary of the bill’s status and the video of our testimony:
Chris Cantwell:
Ian Freeman:
Would you like to help NH get more free, but aren’t able to go to Concord, or don’t yet live in NH? Join the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance!