Guest Blog: Censorship, Incompetence, or Maliciousness?

By Johnson Rice:

When I find out, either in advance of, or when I know that an activist is going to be incarcerated for any significant amount of time, I think it’s good to send that activist a letter. Therefore, I decided to augment a project widely known amongst the liberty activist community as Mail-to-Jail. I do what I call “Games to Jail”. My project isn’t as involved as, and really just piggybacks on Mail-To-Jail by sending games to some of the super-activists whom I know that have been kidnapped by the state, and who could probably use a little entertainment to help pass the time while they are in a cage. Since I would often be at a loss for words as to what to write, and because I know that games could be reusable and even good for social interaction with other inmates – It was an easy decision for me to start to put together a games packet. I sent my first game packet to liberty journalist videographer Dave Ridley, and he later gave my idea rave reviews, so I decided to make my game packet bigger, include more games, and make it easier to print. There are many “free to print” games that are either open source or public domain that are posted on free game and educational websites. In fact, there are also some tools you can use to generate your own crossword puzzles and word games. So, my game kit involved to include many new games including several puzzles, mazes, chess, checkers, a deck of cards… etc.. All printed on standard computer paper so as to be either cut or torn into the appropriate pieces.

When I sent out my next batch of games, I was very surprised that the game set I sent to Momma Ally came BACK to me with this attached note. ( I assure you that S. Johnson is of no relation) I was extremely confused by this complete non-reason… So, I figured I would give them a call to find out. Of course, I didn’t expect any kind of decent treatment by any sort of bureaucracy, so I took advantage of the fact that both Georgia and New York are “One Party” recording states, so I can legally show you what it’s like to deal with a run of the mill bureaucrat. Enjoy the ridiculous hilarity!
[call 1]
[call 2]

It should be also noted that the crime Momma Ally was kidnapped for by the state, attacking a police officer, is one that she is quite obviously innocent of. Details of her story can be found here: and luckily the recovered video footage of the “attack” (wherein the officer is actually attacking Ally) can be found here.

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