Robin Hood’s Next Hearing: See You Aug 12

rh_hat1Judge John Kissinger has affirmed that the city’s case against Robin Hood of Keene and friends is on hold until an evidentiary hearing to be held on August 12. Received in the mail today was a notice of two hearings (June 24 and August 12), and a notice of decision. The notice for June 24 refers to a special hearing on media restrictions granted after a motion filed by Ian Freeman to address unconstitutional restrictions on electronics being exercised by the bailiffs beyond the direction of the sitting judge. Though not directly related to the Robin Hood case (rather, the media’s access to it), all parties were invited to attend the June date. The six-sentence decision acknowledges through omission that the preliminary order sought by the city was not granted as requested. Unless the pending motion to dismiss is granted, the matter will continue on with a full evidentiary hearing in August, in which the city will be compelled to substantiate its claims against Robin Hood and friends.

City Fails to Obtain Preliminary Injuction Against Robin Hooders + Full Court Video

princejohn_rhoodkeenenhThe first hearing of the civil action filed by the “city of Keene” against myself and five others, alleged to be associated with Robin Hood of Keene, commenced earlier this afternoon. (Full video here) Despite the city’s numerous written pleadings for urgent action to be taken by the court, the issue of whether a preliminary injunction would be granted was not entertained. Instead, the judge requested optional positions from both sides on the constitutionality surrounding the proceedings, granting twenty days to file additional paperwork before a full evidentiary hearing would be scheduled. The city’s attorney Tom Mullins did not make much effort to obtain the emergency injunction he had sought after Ian Freeman’s motion to dismiss became the primary subject of today’s hearing. Ian is the only individual of the six named to have filed additional motions with the court, the five others only having responded as was obligated of them through answers to the city’s initial filings. Sought by the nebulous “city of Keene” through Mr. Mullins is a fifty-foot barrier between those who participate in Robin Hooding (or in Pete Eyre’s case, are somehow vaguely associated with Robin Hooding) and the city’s three parking enforcers.

Handed to the defendants by Mullins upon entry to the court was a new memorandum repeating the city’s position and dated June 11. Attached to the back of this new memorandum, which Judge John Kissinger asked not be considered before defendants have ample time to respond, was a faux-order from the court presumably penned by Mullins, which leaves a blank space for a signature if the court were to issue it.

robinhood_wantedDuring today’s hearing Judge Kissinger rightly asserted that at the full hearing, evidence would need to be brought forward supporting claims against each of the six individuals, prompting Mr. Mullins to allege that the defendants were not just “any group of individuals”, but a, “collective group”. Mr. Mullins reiterated his assertions that the intention of participants in Robin Hooding is the elimination of the city’s parking department by means of “harassing and intimidating” parking enforcement officers, which presumably constitutes a criminal act under NH RSA 642:1, Obstructing Government Operations. (more…)

AKPF #1 – Sentential

soviettank_akpfAnother Monday has arrived, and with it, another spellbinding episode of the most controversial cable access program on Cheshire TV; AKPF is still #1. This week begins with a throwback to the television gold of Wacky Delly, quickly followed up by a special newscast from the DPRK’s official teleprint, Keene Slantinel. Among the other noteworthy happenings in this entry include the ludicrous lemonade and iced tea arrest of rapper X in North Carolina, and a unique submission entitled ‘Illuminati Media Exposed’ produced by youtube’s own Vigilant Christian Mario. Check out the latest and greatest, episode 05 Sentential embedded below:

1. 00:10 Opening Wacky Delly Meets Parking Force
2. 01:36 An official newscast from official Keene Slantinel of DPRK
3. 02:06 Freddie P joins AKPF via chalk removal
4. 04:40 James is indoctrinated in matters of law by Off. Jason Short
5. 06:51 Garret is indoctrinated in matters of law by Off. Fintan Moore
6. 09:38 CC.FPP puppy interlude (Yellow Labradors)
7. 09:42 The Ballistic Engineered BEARCAT Attack Truck arrives from the Lenco
8. 10:59 James C intros ‘Environmentally Friendly’ prequel/followup
9. 12:07 Garret intros X’s Lemonade/Iced Tea arrest with Peace Tea (more…)

Robin Hooding Lawsuit Update – Garret’s Response

2013_06_03_mailRetaining the monopoly on “justice”, the government’s courts have a way of interrupting one’s life with their arbitrary demands. In civil court, unlike criminal, the burden of proof is not upon the state, and one is obligated to defend themselves or face a default judgement without any input from the defendant. While on vacation in Montana, I had to take time out of my travels to entertain the city of Keene’s court jester with a response to his lawsuit filed against myself and others for having filled expired parking meters in downtown Keene. In this quick update from Bozeman, Montana, I submit my homework to the court via certified mail.

The next obligation placed upon those alleged to be associated with Robin Hood of Keene is a physical appearance in Cheshire county superior court on Tuesday, June 11 at 2:30. See the original ludicrous lawsuit paperwork here, and my required response penned in legalese here.

AKPF #1 – Anthropy

Coming strong and solid following the denunciation of the program by the Keene Sentinel, we’re proud to present the fourth installment of AKPF #1. In this episode, we continue to explore the media explosion surrounding the Robin Hood of Keene lawsuit, while highlighting some golden oldies from the files of Aqua Keene.

1. 00:10 Opening AKPF Intro feat. the music of Too Short
2. 01:54 James Fallon introduces the Robin Hooders
3. 02:38 Dr. Dave joins the AKPF haranguement squad
4. 08:10 James shows how it is done on a very special FOX News broadcast
5. 12:10 Bill Miles delivers and important message about science in this submission
6. 14:03 CC.FPP puppy interlude (German Shepherd)
7. 14:09 WTNH Voice of the People heaps praise on Robin Hood of Keene and the Merry Men
8. 15:23 James F intros Pete Eyre’s RHK lawsuit overview from
9. 20:43 Court Jester Tom Mullins declines communicating on the record.
10. 23:23 Peace News Now reports on the case (more…)